Wednesday, June 01, 2016


One of the unique concept of the modern and ancient society is LANGUAGE. In every county, In every continent and in the world, the uniqueness of a people in development, growth and societal sustainability has hinged mostly on the understand of the interest of all by everyone in the society. From Japan to German; From Korea to France and From Malaysia to Singapore; the localization of industrialization has been embedded in the language or languages of the people. African's key problem and loss is that we have continually forced the foreign languages on our livelihood and developmental process, when it is evident that it has not worked, it will not work and it is capable of perpetually enslaving our people. Nigeria exemplifies the African problem....The urgency of the Africanisation and the Nigerianization of educating our people must become immediate particularly for the Muhammadu Buhari's Administration. I am absolutely confident, that the Hausa, Yoruba and Ibo Language hold the Key to a proper National Integration and Shared Economic and Industrial Growth in the medium to long term. This Government must over the next few years design an education structure that is inclusive,...
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Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Niger Delta: The Idiocy of the New Avengers and the Perpetual Suffering of a People

The Foundation of this Nation was not laid on Oil. Let it be clear to all who care to listen, the Future of the Nigerian People will not and NEVER be sustained by Oil. The Founding Fathers of the Nigerian State understood the Importance of Palm Oil in the South; The Vitality of Cocoa in the West and the Sustainability of Groundnut and Cotton in the North and all these stem from Agriculture. Today, we are suffering because the generation of the 1970s after the Civil War till date deviated from that path of Solid Foundation initiated by the founding fathers and in the Process messed-up this country generationally. Every one of the Niger Delta Avengers is a Fraud just Like Tompolo and Asari Dakubo were and still are. Please, can anyone show the positive impact and results of the Militancy in the 1990s and the 2000s on the lives of the people of the Niger Delta, if not for the enrichment of a the fraudulent few? The Dreams and Visions of Isaac Adaka Boro and Ken Saro Wiwa are being betrayed by the functionally mis-educated criminals and Vandals parading themselves as Militants in the region. I am forced to repeat myself here; for 6 years under GEJ, these Criminals were...
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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Global Crises 2016: Western Media, the Public Interest, Corrupting Youth, the Real Terrorism, Collective Consciousness - Prof. John McMurtry

Philosopher John McMurtry was asked to “co-operate with Ayatollah Khamenei in the Supreme Leader’s letter to the Youth in Europe and North America”....The questions posed by  a designated US enemy opened a new world standpoint on the US-led world disorder and the taboo depths of  shared crises as we enter 2016.  What in general do the Western media hide and not let people know? In general, the mass media across cultures are propaganda systems for those who own or control them. But the Western media lead the world in silencing one ultimate issue confronting  all peoples on Earth – the despoliation of the world’s life support systems by transnational  corporate globalization. They talk only of climate warming’, not destabilization of planetary life cycles at every level. They promote only market-growth solutions which are known not to work. No-one talks of US-led ‘globalization’ itself as the underlying disorder. No science or story defines the common cause of the spasmic extinctions everywhere, the oceanic pollutions, the fish stock collapses across all waters, and the ever larger-scale looting of resources across borders. It is a deeper...
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Monday, January 18, 2016

The Ideas of Karl Marx are Redefining Political Economy, Class Struggles and Humanity Today - Alan Woods

The ideas of Marx have never been more relevant than they are today. This is reflected in the thirst for Marxist theory at the present time. In this article, Alan Woods deals with the main ideas of Karl Marx and their relevance to the crisis we're passing through today. It is 130 years since the death of Karl Marx. But why should we commemorate a man who died in 1883? In the early 1960s the then Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson declared that we must not look for solutions in Highgate cemetery. And who can disagree with that? In the aforementioned cemetery one can only find old bones and dust and a rather ugly stone monument. However, when we speak of the relevance of Karl Marx today we refer not to cemeteries but to ideas—ideas that have withstood the test of time and have now emerged triumphant, as even some of the enemies of Marxism have been reluctantly forced to accept. The economic collapse of 2008 showed who was outdated, and it was certainly not Karl Marx. For decades the economists never tired of repeating that Marx’s predictions of an economic downturn were totally outdated. They were supposed to be ideas of the 19th century, and those who defended them were dismissed...
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Friday, January 08, 2016

A People's Failure to Launch is Equal Perpetual Suffering

My heart is heavy, my spirit is weak, my mind is empty and hands are shaking; confused, vexed, angry and feeling like a walking bomb killing every single local government chairman, every governor, every minister, every pastor, every imam and anyone who contributed to the monumental mental slavery of the Nigerian people. The destruction of the moral & structural fabric of the Nigerian state is enough wickedness to last generations; I am perpetually vexed; particularly with what our people have become. Our gullibility, our docility, our shallowness, our functional and educational illiteracy, our mental corruption, our developmental weakness and our leadership emptiness is killing me softly; it is draining me mentally, it is hurting me greatly and the revolutionary anger is so intense, that sometimes I feel like a walking time-bomb. My fellow Northerners have spent so little time aggressively seeking workable solutions to the Almajiri menace, The very deep educational gap, the continuing Islamic extremist and fundamental ideology penetration within our youthful population, who are becoming addicted to violence extremism. But, they have been very vocal with the issues of hijab, issues...
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Tuesday, January 05, 2016

The Myth of The Rule of Law - John Hasnas

PART 1: Stop! Before reading this Article, please take the following quiz. The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides, in part: "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; . . . ." (2) On the basis of your personal understanding of this sentence's meaning (not your knowledge of constitutional law), please indicate whether you believe the following sentences to be true or false. 1) In time of war, a federal statute may be passed prohibiting citizens from revealing military secrets to the enemy.2) The President may issue an executive order prohibiting public criticism of his administration. 3) Congress may pass a law prohibiting museums from exhibiting photographs and paintings depicting homosexual activity.4) A federal statute may be passed prohibiting a citizen from falsely shouting "fire" in a crowded theater. 5) Congress may pass a law prohibiting dancing to rock and roll music.6) The Internal Revenue Service may issue a regulation prohibiting the publication of a book explaining how to cheat on your taxes and get away with it. 7) Congress may pass a statute prohibiting...
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