"The goal of neoliberal economic globalization is the removal of all barriers to commerce, and the privatization of all available resources and services. In this scenario, public life will be at the mercy of market forces, as the extracted profits benefit the few"

Introduction: After the Second World War, corporate enterprises helped to
create a wealthy class in society which enjoyed excessive political influence
on their government in the US and Europe. Neoliberalism surfaced as a reaction
by these wealthy elites to counteract post-war policies that favoured the
working class and strengthened the welfare state. Neoliberal policies advocate market forces and commercial
activity as the most efficient methods for producing and supplying goods and
services. At the same time they shun the role of the state and discourage
government intervention into economic, financial and even social affairs. The
process of economic globalization is driven by this ideology; removing borders
and barriers between nations so that market forces can drive the global
economy. The policies were readily taken up by governments and still continue
to pervade classical economic thought, allowing corporations and affluent
countries to secure their financial advantage within the world economy. The policies were most ardently enforced in the US and
Europe in the1980s during the Regan–Thatcher–Kohl era. These leaders believed
that expanding the free-market and private ownership would create greater
economic efficiency and social well-being. The resulting deregulation,
privatization and the removal of border restrictions provided fertile ground
for corporate activity, and over the next 25 years corporations grew rapidly in
size and influence. Corporations are now the most productive economic units in
the world, more so than most countries. With their huge financial, economic and
political leverage, they continue to further their neoliberal objectives.
There is a consensus between the financial elite,
neoclassical economists and the political classes in most countries that
neoliberal policies will create global prosperity. So entrenched is their
position that this view determines the policies of the international agencies
(IMF, World Bank and WTO), and through them dictates the functioning of the
global economy. Despite reservations from within many UN agencies, neoliberal
policies are accepted by most development agencies as the most likely means of
reducing poverty and inequality in the poorest regions. There is a huge discrepancy between the measurable result of
economic globalization and its proposed benefits. Neoliberal policies have
unarguably generated massive wealth for some people, but most crucially, they
have been unable to benefit those living in extreme poverty who are most in
need of financial aid. Excluding China, annual economic growth in developing
countries between 1960 and 1980 was 3.2%. This dropped drastically between 1980
and 2000 to a mere 0.7 %. This second period is when neoliberalism was most
prevalent in global economic policy. (Interestingly, China was not following
the neoliberal model during these periods, and its economic growth per capita
grew to over 8% between 1980 and 2000.). Neoliberalism has also been unable to address growing levels
of global inequality.
Over the last 25 years, the income inequalities have increased dramatically,
both within and between countries. Between 1980 and 1998, the income of richest
10% as share of poorest 10% became 19% more unequal; and the income of richest
1% as share of poorest 1% became 77% more unequal (again, not including China).

“Since 1846 the United States has carried out no fewer than 50 military invasions and destabilizing operations involving 12 different Latin American countries. Yet, none of these countries has ever had the capacity to threaten US security in any significant way. The US intervened because of perceived threats to its economic control and expansion. For this reason it has also supported some of the region’s most vicious dictators such as Batista, Somoza, Trujillo, and Pinochet.”
As a result of corporate and US influence, the key
international bodies that developing countries are forced to turn to for
assistance, such as the World Bank and IMF, are major exponents of the
neoliberal agenda. The WTO openly asserts its intention to improve
global business opportunities; the IMF is heavily influenced by the Wall Street
and private financiers, and the World Bank ensures corporations benefit from
development project contracts. They all gain considerably from the neo-liberal
model. So influential are corporations at this time that many of
the worst violators of human rights have even entered a Global Compact with the
United Nations, the world’s foremost humanitarian body. Due to this
international convergence of economic ideology, it is no coincidence that the
assumptions that are key to increasing corporate welfare and growth are the
same assumptions that form the thrust of mainstream global economic policy. However, there are huge differences between the neoliberal
dogma that the US and EU dictate to the world and the policies that they
themselves adopt. Whilst fiercely advocating the removal of barriers to trade,
investment and employment, The US economy remains one of the most protected in
the world. Industrialized nations only reached their state of economic
development by fiercely protecting their industries from foreign markets and
investment. For economic growth to benefit developing countries, the
international community must be allowed to nurture their infant industries.
Instead economically dominant countries are ‘kicking away the ladder’ to
achieving development by imposing an ideology that suits their own economic
needs. The US and EU also provide huge subsidies to many sectors of
industry. These devastate small industries in developing countries,
particularly farmers who cannot compete with the price of subsidized goods in
international markets. Despite their neoliberal rhetoric, most ‘capitalist’
countries have increased their levels of state intervention over the past 25
years, and the size of their government has increased. The requirement is to
‘do as I say, not as I do’. Given the tiny proportion of individuals that benefit from
neoliberal policies, the chasm between what is good for the economy and what
serves the public good is growing fast. Decisions to follow these policies are
out of the hands of the public, and the national sovereignty of many developing
countries continues to be violated, preventing them from prioritizing urgent
national needs. Below we examine the false assumptions of neoliberal
policies and their effect on the global economy.

Free Trade: Free trade is the foremost demand of neoliberal
globalization. In its current form, it simply translates as greater access to
emerging markets for corporations and their host nations. These demands are
contrary to the original assumptions of free trade as affluent countries adopt
and maintain protectionist measures. Protectionism allows a nation to
strengthen its industries by levying taxes and quotas on imports, thus
increasing their own industrial capacity, output and revenue. Subsidies in the
US and EU allow corporations to keep their prices low, effectively pushing
smaller producers in developing countries out of the market and impeding
development. With this self interest driving globalization, economically
powerful nations have created a global trading regime with which they can
determine the terms of trade. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the
US, Canada, and Mexico is an example of free-market fundamentalism that gives
corporations legal rights at the expense of national sovereignty. Since its
implementation it has caused job loss, undermined labour rights, privatized
essential services, increased inequality and caused environmental destruction. In Europe only 5% of EU citizens work in agriculture,
generating just 1.6% of EU GDP compared to more than 50% of citizens in
developing countries. However, the European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
provides subsidies to EU farmers to the tune of £30 billion, 80% of which goes
to only 20% of farmers to guarantee their viability, however inefficient this
may be. The General Agreement on Trade and Services (GATS) was
agreed at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1994. Its aim is to remove any
restrictions and internal government regulations that are considered to be
"barriers to trade". The agreement effectively abolishes a
government’s sovereign right to regulate subsidies and provide essential
national services on behalf of its citizens. The Trade Related agreement on
International Property Rights (TRIPS) forces developing countries to extend
property rights to seeds and plant varieties. Control over these resources and
services are instead granted to corporate interests through the GATS and TRIPS
framework. These examples represent modern free trade which is clearly
biased in its approach. It fosters corporate globalization at the expense of
local economies, the environment, democracy and human rights. The primary
beneficiaries of international trade are large, multinational corporations who
fiercely lobby at all levels of national and global governance to further the
free trade agenda.
Liberalization: The World Bank, IMF and WTO have been the main portals for
implementing the neoliberal agenda on a global scale. Unlike the United
Nations, these institutions are over-funded, continuously lobbied by
corporations, and are politically and financially dominated by Washington, Wall
Street, corporations and their agencies. As a result, the key governance
structures of the global economy have been primed to serve the interests of
this group, and market liberalization has been another of their key policies. According to neoliberal ideology, in order for international
trade to be ‘free’ all markets should be open to competition, and market forces
should determine economic relationships. But the overall result of a completely
open and free market is of course market dominance by corporate heavy-weights.
The playing field is not even; all developing countries are at a great
financial and economic disadvantage and simply cannot compete. Liberalization, through Structural Adjustment Programs,
forces poorer countries to open their markets to foreign products which largely
destroys local industries. It creates dependency upon commodities which have
artificially low prices as they are heavily subsidized by economically dominant
nations. Financial liberalization removes barriers to currency speculation from
abroad. The resulting rapid inflow and outflow of currencies is often
responsible for acute financial and economic crisis in many developing
countries. At the same time, foreign speculators and large financial firms make
huge gains. Market liberalization poses a clear economic risk; hence the EU and
US heavily protect their own markets.
A liberalized global market provides corporations with new
resources to capitalize and new markets to exploit. Neoliberal dominance over
global governance structures has enforced access to these markets. Under WTO
agreements, a sovereign country cannot interfere with a corporation’s
intentions to trade even if their operations go against domestic environmental
and employment guidelines. Those governments that do stand up for their
sovereign rights are frequently sued by corporations for loss of profit, and
even loss of potential profit. Without this pressure they would have been able
to stimulate domestic industry and self sufficiency, thereby reducing poverty.
They would then be in a better position to compete in international markets.
Deregulation: Access to new markets and foreign resources is not enough.
To fulfill the corporate agenda of increasing profits, a corporation must seek
out favourable regulatory conditions that reduce costs and increase productive
capacity. Regulations restrict profitability. Thus, the corporate call for
liberalization is accompanied by a demand for deregulation in all sectors of
commerce nationally and globally. Removing these restrictions allows
corporations to have greater access to and use of resources and labour, and to
move freely across borders. Whilst countries such as many in South America and
Asia offer just such conditions, corporations actively engage in the influencing
and changing of domestic and international law that can potentially create
these favourable conditions universally. In order to achieve this, corporations
have, over the past 150 years, secured their political influence in local,
national and international governance structures and regulatory bodies. Regulations and regulatory agencies exist to monitor
corporate activities, protect human rights and safeguard the environment. In
recent years corporate lobbying has seen governments cut budgets for regulatory
agencies and regulatory laws have been repealed, allowing corporations free
reign to operate with fewer public safeguards. Overall, regulatory bodies have
shifted their focus from protecting the consumer to protecting the industry, as
the neoliberal model is progressively assimilated at all levels of government
and economic policy in developed countries. Enron lobbied very effectively to deregulate the electricity
market, then to deregulate the trading of energy futures, then to prevent the
disclosure of futures contracts, then to repeal the regulated-auction
requirement. This enabled it to trade without revealing any trade or financial
details to regulators or the public. It proceeded to make record profits
through illicit activities which soon lead to its collapse. The economic
collapse in Argentine in 2001 is also widely attributed to extensive
deregulation, enforced by the IMF and World Bank’s neoliberal development
policies, which destroyed industry and caused mass unemployment.
Regulating corporate activity protects the public. Removing
these regulations protects corporate profits. This battle for legal protection
is rigged in favour of corporations, even though they represent a fraction of
the global population. Corporations are able to have their own way on these
matters as they have almost limitless financial resources to rally to their
cause and close relationships with the political elite. Global deregulation has created the transnational
corporation, as business operations are increasingly moved abroad in the search
of cheaper labour, tax incentives and less red tape. In effect, unemployment
rises in the affluent countries that lose jobs, while corporations outsource
these same jobs to sweatshops in developing countries where wages are relatively
insignificant, employment standards are often irrelevant and there are very low
environmental standards. Thus corporations increase their profits. In order to
win back these corporations and create more jobs, the US and other countries
also lower their standards and cut regulation. Thus the logical conclusion of
liberalization and deregulation is a race to the bottom, where the lowest
possible standards are sought after and legislated for globally, with little
regard for individual workers, employment conditions, the community or the
environment. Deregulation also encourages monopolization. Corporations,
whilst falsely quoting the free market and open competition that Adam Smith
envisaged, form virtual monopolies through acquisitions and mergers. This allows
them to manage competition through strategic alliances that exist between all
major players. As such, an estimated 60% of US GDP is provided by the largest
1000 corporations, and the remaining 11 million companies account for the other
40% of GDP.

Neoliberals claim that privatized services are more
efficient than those run by the state. They believe that market competition and
corporate efficiency can drive prices down for consumers. These arguments are
used as a sales tool to convince the public and their governments, and
privatization is rapidly advancing throughout the developed and developing
world. However, these assumptions are basically incorrect and often irrelevant
when considering the functions and purposes of public utilities. Essential
services are provided to citizens by their governments to meet basic public
welfare needs such as the provision of energy, water and healthcare. The
provision of these services is a human right, and whether they are profitable
is not a concern for the vast majority of people around the world. There are many relevant arguments against privatization, and
little empirical evidence that privately run services are either more efficient
or better value to their customers. For example, privatization usually creates
a natural monopoly, removing the possibility of competition that can benefit
the consumer. In many sectors, such as energy, multinational corporations hold
the reigns to the market, and through their strategic alliances they control
critical aspects of the market such as price – again removing any theoretical
market benefits. And when consumer prices are reduced or a corporation tries to
increase profit levels, it often comes at the expense of decent wages, labour
standards and the environment. The resulting economies of scale and efficiency
gains come at too high a cost to society.
The main issues are those relating to human rights,
democracy, ownership, control and accountability. The provision of essential
services is a human right, although many in the developing world go without
basic services. Where services are available, it is in the community’s interest
that an accountable government body manages the utility. But corporations are
not accountable to the public, only to shareholders – whose priority is profit,
not service. The profit motive does not influence government facilities; it can
run services at a loss if the social need demanded it. If a government cannot
provide a service efficiently, they may be voted out of office by the public. The issue of water privatization remains one of the most
controversial, affecting even the most affluent countries. The UK, for example,
is currently experiencing legal restrictions on public water usage, whilst the
operators, Thames Water, waste 894 million litres a day through unfixed leaks
alone. The company avoided regulatory penalties whilst announcing a 31% rise in
pre-tax profits which totalled £346.5m. Water bills are expected to increase on
average by 24% by 2010. This case highlights another point – corporations will
not reinvest their profits in order to address a crisis. State owned suppliers
on the other hand can reinvest profits to quickly improve standards.

The lobby for privatization often cites the presence of
‘corrupt’ governments as a major reason for the lack of global access to
essential resources such as water, suggesting that in such cases government
efforts must be superseded by private provision. However, it stands to reason
that these ‘corrupt’ governments are not best placed to negotiate massive
private contracts with transnational corporations, many of which command much
larger economies than the developing country. These government failures must
also be viewed in historical perspective and in terms of a country’s current
level of impoverishment. Further analysis often reveals more complex causes to
this impoverishment.
These range from unique environmental conditions, such as
the lack of proximity to water in sub-Saharan Africa, to the cumulative effect
of colonization, political interference and unfair trade structures imposed by
dominant countries. In such countries, corporations can often reinforce corrupt
practices. Commenting on a Transparency International survey, IPS reported in
2002 that “International conventions have not stopped multinational
corporations from trying to secure valuable contracts by bribing government
officials in the world's emerging economies - especially in the arms and
defence, and public works and construction industries” and that such bribery
was on the increase. In such cases international attention must focus on
providing foreign assistance to create more efficient state controlled public
services. When essential services are privatized, a two-tier system is
often created. Prices are set by the market and those who cannot afford to pay,
go without. This is simply unacceptable when 45% of the global public struggle
to survive on $2 a day. Poverty reduction and development can only occur when
these basic services, which are often unavailable in poverty stricken areas,
are guaranteed to all. Government commitment to provide basic human needs was
affirmed in the UN Universal Declaration of Human rights, and as such
governments must uphold their commitment and not succumb to neoliberal pressure
to relinquish essential services to market forces and private interests.

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