The Assumption of Truth: Most of our world’s major religions each assume that it is their faith alone that is the “absolute truth” and refuse to concede that those traditions may be mistaken. Instead, they discover ways to force conflicting information to adapt to their own doctrine; no matter how effective the evidence is at actually disproving the rationality of that particular religion. Many religious adherents have no problem understanding the irrationality of others beliefs, but are unable to apply the same logic when observing their own doctrine. Instead, every effort is made to justify why it is their – and only their – religion that is void of any fault. If they were to observe their own faith with the same set of scrutinizing eyes that they see through when evaluating other’s faiths, they would understand what many of us have already concluded – all of our religious texts were written by people, not gods.
They are the stories and traditions that we created
in order to explain our world in the past. For instance, the majority of Christians would agree that
the idea of Mohammad riding a flying horse into the heavens is an impossible
fairy-tale; while simultaneously, they are unable to see how their own story of
a talking snake or a man living inside a fish for three days is also impossible.
We know that horses can’t fly. They are not airborne animals, they are land
animals. We know that snakes can’t speak – they lack the vocal cords to produce
the sounds necessary for speech. We also know that the digestive mechanisms of
the fish would make it impossible for a man to actually live (let
alone breathe) inside of a fish for three days. These stories, some of them
with deep and purposeful meanings, cannot be understood, let alone correctly
interpreted for beneficial use, when they are assumed to be truth, rather than
for the allegories that they are. The problem with this is that by insisting that (an
obviously fabricated story) is absolute truth, the opportunity of arriving at
the actual truth is greatly diminished. It creates a world where stories are
placed above reality and reality is never within reach. It creates a mental
mindset in people that is driven by misinformation and then passed on to future
generations where misguided concepts are perpetuated.

…And those who create the religions our world
follows know this well. Without the reward, the base of followers cannot
sustain itself. This is a problem because it keeps people hinged to a system
that they never question because they are so immersed in the promise of the
reward that they never stop to question if the reward is real, or
human-conceived. Religion keeps people bonded to beliefs that may actually
hinder human progress rather than helping procure our growth. It prevents
individuals from progressing beyond antiquated thinking. Only they cannot see
the problem because no matter what personal sacrifice is made in this life –
there is a reward in the end – even if they can’t see that reward until the
life they now have is gone from them.
The Superiority Complex: Religion enables people to act callously and inflict mental
punishment on those they label “evil” without consequence to their hatred; and
then permits them to honestly believe that their hatred is defensible
as “good moral conduct”.
I remember when I first left my religion. People who I thought were friends and close family members labelled me as “wicked” simply for leaving my faith. Suddenly, I “needed” the prayers of family and friends, even though I had not said that I was going through anything difficult. “I’ll pray for you” became a common theme in many of my talks with these people. Pray for me? Have I done something wrong? Have I made some kind of mistake? Why do I need your prayers? ~ Anonymous
This is the illusory carrot of religion: an eternal reward
for an elected few, and infinite punishment for everyone else. It is a
narcissistic mindset that keeps adherents both comforted and terrified; a
virtual mental prison to which the follower is consciously unaware. It
saturates their relationships, often keeping those relationships from ever
truly holding any love and kindness when those they interact with do not agree
with their religious interpretations. This is not always completely true for more kindly religious
adherents; but unfortunately, even the kinder followers can sometimes hold
internal judgements against their non-believing counterparts – simply for not
The Usefulness of Control: Most religious supporters are not mindful of the fear that
has been instilled in them, often from birth. It is a fear that is so subtle
that it goes undetected for much of the follower’s life. It is so deeply
embedded that it is not even recognized as fear, but as truth; when in reality,
it is a most destructive form of control. For those who take the time to study the origins of
religious beliefs, they are well aware of how, when and for what purpose a
religion began. They are aware of the common themes and beliefs during the time
the religion was created. They know what literary archetypes the religion was
taken from in order to create the new doctrine. They understand the historic
flow of language and the written word and how it has influenced our world –
including our many religions. Unfortunately, a great number of religious followers are
either prevented from or discouraged from learning the truth about how their
religious system was established. This is highly evident in modern theocracies
where citizens are restricted from viewing numerous websites that would offer
the information that would reveal the truth about the origin of their religion.
There is a very fundamental reason why many religions insist
that their followers do not look elsewhere for answers to life’s questions. It
is the questioning that leads to the answers that free people and
give them an understanding of the whole picture rather than the
narrow view from a small corner of their mind. It is the refusal to ask the
questions that keeps them devoted to one specific answer. Take away the
questioning and you ensure a future of followers. How do you take away the
questioning? You make everything else evil. You make everything scary
and frightful so that the follower is actually afraid of swaying from that one
answer they have been given. You take away their desire to ask the
questions. Why do many believers refuse to study ancient religions,
cultures, science, and philosophy? Why do they refuse to befriend or feel
scornfully towards those who do not share their beliefs? Why are these things,
these other people around them, these conflicting ideasautomatically wrong?
Have they been taught this mindset?
Anything that fervidly opposes diligent inquiry is not representative of the truth.
Former believers are most aware that the reason for this
fear is that their god, their family or peers, their religious leaders and
their own internal self-judgement will be discontent with their “inappropriate”
curiosity. They fear that it is “the enemy” tempting them away from their faith
by introducing them to ideas that conflict with their religion’s version of the
truth. They have been taught (often from birth) that questioning is wrong –
that seeking answers and gaining knowledge was not meant for us. These concepts
are so deeply embedded in their thought that they can even feel guilty just
thinking about questioning their faith. Many rarely stop to think about why they
have been discouraged from asking questions and understanding things outside
their religious sphere. Does the truth need restrictions if it is the truth?
No, not unless the truth is being hidden in order to perpetuate the
misconception in order to reap the benefits of the purpose of hiding that
truth. This becomes overwhelmingly obvious to those who do ask the
questions and honestly think about the answers. How obvious this
becomes when we recognize how hiding the truth can profit those who discourage
their followers from questioning the validity of their beliefs.
How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us.
~ Pope Leo X (1513 -1521)
Even those who have chosen to leave a religion must deal
with the remnants of fear until it has been sufficiently purged from their
life; that is, until they consciously choose to stop believing in monsters
and ghosts and demons and the devil and feathered angels and ask the questions that
they have spent much of their life needlessly fearing. When you keep people from asking questions, you maintain
control of them. Kings and queens know this. Religious leaders know this.
Governments who restrict internet access that provides many of those answers
know this. The wise know this. It’s time religious followers know this too.
It’s ok to ask questions. It’s ok to find the answers. Asking
questions is where you truly find freedom.
The Distraction of Division: As most propagandists understand, by separating individuals
from their peers, they are usually able to think more clearly and
logically about the information being presented to them. However, when
consistently surrounded by their peers, if they are not cautious,
they may likely fall prey to being persuaded into believing a “truth” that is
not true at all. Religion depends on this human herd mentality in order to
maintain its stronghold. When you keep a person within a specific religion,
reinforce the ideas of that group and then make everyone else outside
of the group somehow immoral, maintaining control of hatred towards others is
effortless. The best way to do this is by teaching followers the religion’s
concepts from birth; and then reinforcing those ideas throughout the entirety
of their life.
Religion segregates people into clusters of believers and
non-believers, making human unity and peace nearly impossible. It teaches
people that those who disagree with them on a variety of life’s issues are
perceptively evil and unworthy of their friendship, or even of their humanity. The problem with this is that it perpetuates a cycle of
division in societies. That division causes an insurmountable distraction that
enables the internal corruption that destroys nations. Those in power are well
aware that a community divided amongst itself has no strength to withstand
tyranny or corruption. But, a society unified and aware is able to make lasting
changes to benefit all. For human unity and peace to ever become a part of our
experience, we must become more aware of how our beliefs divide us and work to
reconcile this division by placing our humanity above our religious

The Illusion of Love: Is it? There may be some parts that describe love and
encourage positive relationships amongst members of the human race; but, what
about all the other parts? Are we to ignore some things and only
identify with the good?
Here is the problem: Many of our most revered religious
texts have hundreds of verses where the deity of the story literally instructs
people to abduct and rape young girls whose family members they have just
murdered, kill disobedient children, kill disobedient women, commit genocide
and infanticide, subdue and silence women, commit incest, oppress mass
communities, force marriage on rape victims, torture people, enslave people and
loot and pillage entire societies. All by the instruction of or in the name of
their god.
Here is the bigger problem: It’s one thing that these
words are written, but it is a terrifying thought that many people in this
world actually excuse this behavior simply because a god they worship
did it or authorized it. They rationalize that this behavior is acceptable if
an all knowing being approves it or that their god was punishing “sinful”
people who did not agree with the same teachings they follow. This enables
atrocious people to justify inhumane actions if they commit those actions in
the name of their god. Many even go as far as to change the meaning of the
(quite plainly written words) to mean something else than what is written
outright in order to justify the action, rather than facing the reality of what
their text is actually communicating.
If a human being were to commit these same types
of offenses as listed above, we would label them sadistically insane and
sentence them to death; yet, many dismiss the corrupt nature of these
horrifically unethical crimes when it applies to a deity. In their defense, many people are raised with their
religious background and taught that it is completely about love. At the same
time, the religious leaders that instruct them do not even attempt to discuss
the negative characteristics of their text. Often, when they do, it is glossed
over and never given full thought as to the magnitude of what is being
described. If we reallythought about it, we would be able to draw the same
conclusions for the wrongdoings of our man-made deities as we do for those
human beings who choose to commit similar hideous acts. Instead, the most horrific parts of our text are ignored –
or sugar-coated – and then wrapped in an illusion and fed to the people in a
mental package labeled “god is love”. It is not love; and it skews
our interpretation of love when we agree that sadistic and violent acts against
people are justified because a god instructed those actions.
A Scenario To Consider: Suppose you were to have a serious conversation with a parent who told you that, since their child did not obey, love and trust them – they were going to take the child to the basement and burn him until he learned his lesson. Would you turn that parent in to child protective services for potential child abuse? If you heard or read that some parent had tortured their child for not behaving, what would you think of that parent. How would you feel for the child who endured that punishment? Of course you would turn the parent in; of course you would feel awful to hear about such a tragic story! You would want to protect the child because you know that no loving human being would ever do that to their child, no matter how awful they've behaved. Yet, children across the world are forced to endure hideous mental intrusions on a consistent basis in one of our world’s largest belief structures. If they do not believe in their religious deity, he will take them down to hell and torture them forever and ever. They will live in a place of fear and anguish for eternity. If you would not threaten this to your own child as a punishment you personally would inflict upon them, why tell them someone else will? Is it acceptable because it is not you who will do it?
Another Scenario To Consider: If your friend told you that she was raped and that her rapist paid her Father for the injustice and is now forcing her to marry the person who raped her, what would you tell your friend? Would you encourage her to follow through with the marriage or would you encourage her leave both the rapist and her Father behind and move on with her life? Would you help her find a safe place to go in order to flee the situation? Or, would you encourage her to follow through with the dreadful plans? Of course you would discourage your friend from following through with such a horrible situation for her life. You would likely even encourage her to file charges against the perpetrator. Yet, this is the exact instructions found in one of our world’s most popular holy text. One of many scriptures only recently coming to the forefront of religious debates as countless people are becoming more aware of the unethical ideas written in many of our ancient books. (See Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT).
If you have to explain or justify why a horrible atrocity
was committed by the deity you worship; what does love really mean to you? Love
Justification for Inequality: A simple and honest study of our world’s theocracies (and
countries such as America where those issues are being debated) reveals how our
holy texts are used to discriminate against women, LGBTs, and foreigners. Our
top three world religions’ texts are full of discrimination against
these groups. In fact, it is openly used as justification for that
Religion facilitates erroneous rationalization of the
attempts to remove basic rights from others. It prevents people from living in
peace as a community and within their own lives. It forces entire groups of
people to work tirelessly to create and preserve rights that should be
available to them already. Many of our religions treat women as subhuman property
rather than the part of the human species that gives life to every one of us –
a position that deserves respect. Many of our world’s countries have so
drastically restricted the rights of women that they are not allowed to attend
school to earn an education, drive a car, be seen in public without a male
family member, hold a career, or even speak their own thoughts. In each
instance where this gender based bigotry is enforced, it is always attached
to a religiously based belief system.
Religion also treats the LGBT community with disdain, even
to the point where some countries prescribe death as a punishment for not
following that religion’s definition of what sex should look like. The problem
with this is that homosexuality can be found in many species, not just amongst
humanity. Anyone who has done their research knows this. Unfortunately,
religion has not caught up to this reality. Although homosexuality has existed
for millennia, religion still persists in fighting what comes natural
to much of nature. Is it a god that gave us permission to interrogate and
murder people based on sexual orientation, or is it the people who wrote our
religious texts and simply did not understand or agree with that part of

The Subjugation of Advancement: We are moving towards a time where we no longer need to base
our ideas on things that we cannot see or explain (faith). We can explain
much more than ever and our ability to explain our world is expanding rapidly.
Now that science can explain our world, we no longer need mythology to do it for us.
We have a plethora of information available to us today.
Information that enables us to become aware of the origins of our religions,
the origins and functionings of our planet and of our universe. We understand
how weather works and that it is not simply the anger of our gods being poured
upon us as our early ancestors believed. We can interpret weather patterns,
send people into space, and predict future atmospheric, economic, planetary and
biological disruptions and much much more. Unfortunately, religion has never been much a friend to
human knowledge and advancement. Even now we are plagued by leaders
who seek to oppress our access to and progression of our knowledge. Religion is
known for insisting that it is not humankind’s place to understand
things – to seek knowledge of our world. In fact, it makes seeking that
understanding wrong and it’s not difficult to find followers who will even
quote text supporting why we should not explore our world, ask questions and
look for answers.
This is a religious tactic that keeps people in ignorance;
and it has worked for thousands of years. Since we know that it is people who
wrote the concepts that make up our holy texts; it makes much more sense that
it is not god who wanted to keep us in ignorance – it is those who
wrote our holy books, created our religious doctrines and insisted that
knowledge and the pursuit of knowledge is evil. Religion perpetuates ignorance
in societies. It hinders humanity’s mental progression and, thus the quality of
our lives, health and environments.

Here’s the painful truth. When you have a story that
billions of people believe, there will inevitably be some people who have
the power and the invested interest in making that story appear as fact.
This doesn’t make the prediction true – it makes it a purposeful
effort. It is a problematic illusion where those who want it to be true work to
make it true; and those who are unaware of the work others have done to make
the illusion appear real – believe it is real. If our world is truly going to explode in a fiery furnace of
wrath and agony – it will be by our own hands when we destroy one
another by our human hatred. Or, it will be by the mechanisms of our universe;
a common way planets and stars actually do experience their “end times”.
The Oppression of Terror: It would be easy for some to look at the violence in
religion today and point fingers at one specific religion. The propagandist
that dominate many of our mainstream news outlets ensure this. But, the truth
is, many of our religions have already asserted themselves through
force and violence in the past. This is not merely a modern problem.
Humanity’s most vicious ambitions have been carried out in the name of gods no one has ever seen and beliefs followers are not willing to question and investigate. Until humankind learns to more closely examine their beliefs, wars waged in ignorance will continue to plague our species and prevent lasting peace.
Our history is full of examples of this religious human
dilemma; and is even written in the pages of some of our own holy text. It is a
truth that many deny because it is easier to deny atrocity then to face it;
especially when that barbarism has been committed by the very same faith that
we follow. Our religions excuse the terror and oppression we inflict upon our
fellow human beings. It’s time our excuses are called out for what they are –
irrational thinking based upon archaic concepts that no longer serve our human
advancement towards a sustainable and peaceful future. It’s time to let go and rise above the outdated and cruel
exploits of our past that we inherited from our ancestors, and realize that our
early misinterpretations of our world do not have to define the future of
humanity. We have grown. We have reached a time in our history where the
misunderstandings of the past must be reconciled and the truth about the
origins of our early beliefs must be revealed. It’s time that our world’s
religions face the tragic horrors of their past and make honest progression
towards love and kindness for all of humanity. Our world, our peace and our
growth all depend upon us and our ability to move forward in our understanding.
It’s time to embrace our humanity and cultivate the harmonious future we all
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