Thursday, December 17, 2015

Be Sober and Be Sad; We Are Lost Completely

Nigeria is the Second Most Religious Country on earth behind Pakistan; Highest number of Churches on earth; Among the top three most Corrupt country on earth; Most looted country on earth; Highest number of Almajiris in the World. Now guess the obvious:
1. 45% of Christian Youths like my brother Sylvanus Omoniyi Rightly said are going into Pastoral Miracle Fraudulent High Yield Businesses and not technical industrialized training.
2. 50% of the Northern Youths Lacks any form of formal Education and nothing is being done about it; They are roaming the Streets as Almajiris without care and I am informed it is Religiously Justified. The Northern leaders have started shipping their children and family members to schools in the US and Britian; The infidel countries, what an Irony.
3. Young Men, Women and Children are willing to die to go to an imaginary Heaven and a supply of unlimited Insured Virgins and with an Ideology that is Barbaric to Humanity. While the leaders of these religious bodies are living in heaven on earth. Willing to sacrifice their their members to continue their evil agenda.
4. Pastors are Psychologically Looting from their own Parents; Uncles; Aunts; Brothers; Relatives and friends in the Name of Miracles; Breakthroughs; Material Upliftment and Just pure Hypnotism. Private Jets, Mansions; Multi Billion Naira auditorium is the norm in the land of Poverty, Hunger, Unemployment, Darkness, Inequality and Impossible pessimism.

5. We have Generally Ignored our History and our Humanity; For Christians it is all about the Imported Jesus Christ and for Muslims it is all about the Imported Prophet Mohammed. We have no Idea who we are and we won't once we have bought into the Neo-Colonial Stupidity. It is a Shame how we know very little about our own people, but can quote the Bible and the Quran from cover to cover....But cannot accommodate one another.
The best of our Youths are too Scared to ask questions; To Challenge Corruption; to unite as an indivisible power to change Nigeria....We are a generation of Idiots high on the weeds of Brainwashed Religion. We cannot even ask how many people of the 7billion of human Population are Christians and Muslims...A Bible and Quran Centric Youth; Not Interest in Nationalism and National Growth; but only interested in consumerism.
This is a 200million Mumu Country as my brother Fatoki Taiye Timmyalways say and we are all GUILTY.

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