Philosopher John McMurtry was asked to
“co-operate with Ayatollah Khamenei in the Supreme Leader’s letter to the Youth
in Europe and North America”....The questions posed by a designated US enemy opened
a new world standpoint on the US-led world disorder and the taboo depths
of shared crises as we enter 2016.
What in general do the Western media hide and not let
people know? In general, the mass media across cultures are propaganda
systems for those who own or control them. But the Western media lead the world
in silencing one ultimate issue confronting all peoples on Earth – the
despoliation of the world’s life support systems by transnational corporate
globalization. They talk only of climate warming’, not destabilization of
planetary life cycles at every level. They promote only market-growth solutions
which are known not to work. No-one talks of US-led ‘globalization’ itself as the
underlying disorder. No science or story defines the common cause of the
spasmic extinctions everywhere, the oceanic pollutions, the fish stock
collapses across all waters, and the ever larger-scale looting of resources
across borders. It is a deeper...