Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Compelling Conclusion About Capitalism That Piketty Resists - Fred Guerin

The excesses of capitalism are not simply a question of bad management and a political unwillingness to properly regulate it by imposing the right sort of checks and balances, but symptoms of a fundamentally and irretrievably flawed system that tends toward destruction of human and other life. The idea of capitalism as an expression of economic freedom that also secures moral and political freedom of thought, or the notion that "free-market" economies are guided by an impartial mechanism of supply and demand - an "invisible hand" to use Adam Smith's metaphor - are both powerful indoctrinating notions. As such, they bear little resemblance to actual reality. Smith himself never used the word "capitalism," preferring to call his economics a "system of natural liberty." In fact, the inner logic of capitalism can be difficult to get hold of simply because there have been different configurations of capitalism throughout history. In its classic form, before the advent of corporations (when there was still an implicit sense of social responsibility, and insatiable greed was considered a vice), capitalism might have appeared less virulent. Additionally, there is reason to believe...
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Monday, December 28, 2015

Hiding Africa’s Looted Funds: Silence of Western Media - Lord Aikins Adusei

Quite often when you read newspapers, listen to radio and watch television in the West you learn how poor Africans are and how corrupt African leaders are. But you will never watch, read or hear anything in these media outlets about the role being played by Western banking institutions, property development and estate companies, the big corporations, and the Western political and business elite in promoting corruption in Africa. When it comes to Africa and the developing world, the Western media pretend to be doing a good job only when there is an embarrassing story or a scandal that undermines their credibility as watchdog of the stat...
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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Lies of Devaluation and Why PMB Must be Supported

How many times will I try explaining to all these Bad Samaritan economist that Devaluation is bad for Nigeria and any economy in the time of contraction in growth? Right now, Nigerian revenue y/y is down by about 50%; GEJ and the PDP did not save a penny for 6 years and squandered the about $55billion of Excess Crude Account and External Foreign Reserves that  Yar’Adua left even when crude sold for an average of $105/Barrel for the disastrous GEJ years.  There are many historical examples, stretching at least to the Great Depression, which show currency devaluations tend to go hand-in-hand with economic turmoil.  Out of about 48 devaluations that took place during the Bretton Woods era; on balance, they were mostly not successful. We also have recent devaluation efforts of the US, UK, Russia and the recently celebrated China’s attempt to use devaluation to stimulate exports, neither of which has spurred economic growth....
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Monday, December 21, 2015

Education: How Will Africa Win The Future? - Pusch Commey

It has often been said that if you think education is expensive, try ignorance. Africa provides many lessons on the damage done by ignorance, and if the continent is to get rid of gloomy perceptions, it will be through education. For the continent to develop, its education must change, writes Pusch Commey. After all, as Nelson Mandela put it: “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world.” From the eco-systems of Silicon Valley to the slums of Nairobi, and the squeaky-clean streets of Doha, experts are adamant that education as we know it is changing. No longer does a formalised, structured educational system serve global needs. The game has changed to fostering creativity and innovation. The game has changed to finding imaginative solutions. Panel experts at summits and leading entrepreneurs have pointed to the significance of a little bit of craziness, adaptation, problem-solving, innovation, teamwork and disruption. After all, with an element of craziness and innovation, Apple and Google disrupted the way we communicate and the way we seek knowledge. The Internet and email disrupted postal services. All became possible through collaboration,...
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Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Problem With Religion: 11 Ways It Is Destroying Humanity - Shanna Babilonia

Religion has been a part of humanity since the first astronomers peered into the sky and created elaborate stories to define the movements of our universe. It made its way into our minds as we fearfully created devils and demons to explain the danger lurking in the darkness of night. It has both enchanted and burdened us as we attempt to define our world with the information available to us as we work our way through history. However, things are quickly changing. For a growing number of us worldwide, what was once indescribable is now easily explained by the vast data we have gathered as we work towards refining our understanding. We are becoming painfully aware that, although our religions gave us a starting place for thinking about how our world functions, they no longer serve us in that process; and in fact, have left a trail of destruction in their historic path. Here are 11 ways religion is destroying humanit...
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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Be Sober and Be Sad; We Are Lost Completely

Nigeria is the Second Most Religious Country on earth behind Pakistan; Highest number of Churches on earth; Among the top three most Corrupt country on earth; Most looted country on earth; Highest number of Almajiris in the World. Now guess the obvious: 1. 45% of Christian Youths like my brother Sylvanus Omoniyi Rightly said are going into Pastoral Miracle Fraudulent High Yield Businesses and not technical industrialized training. 2. 50% of the Northern Youths Lacks any form of formal Education and nothing is being done about it; They are roaming the Streets as Almajiris without care and I am informed it is Religiously Justified. The Northern leaders have started shipping their children and family members to schools in the US and Britian; The infidel countries, what an Irony. 3. Young Men, Women and Children are willing to die to go to an imaginary Heaven and a supply of unlimited Insured Virgins and with an Ideology that is Barbaric to Humanity. While the leaders of these religious bodies are living in heaven on earth. Willing to sacrifice their their members to continue their evil agenda. 4. Pastors are Psychologically Looting from their own Parents; Uncles; Aunts;...
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Sunday, December 13, 2015

Prosperity Gospel: A Ponzi Scheme Used to Sanctify Worldly Lust for Money - Timothy Kwoh

PROSPERITY GOSPEL: AKA POSITIVE CONFESSION: AKA NAME IT AND CLAIM IT: AKA BLAB IT AND GRAB IT…..A PONZI SCHEME USED TO SANCTIFY WORLDLY LUST FOR MONEY.....ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT GOD IS  A BIG SUCKER.   INTRODUCTION Our Lord Jesus Christ, when giving His Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24, had this warning to give His disciples: “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” (Matthew 24:11, 12).The Church throughout has history and even in present day has seen myriads of heresiarchs and false prophets, each with a peculiar damnable heresy. In these modern times, the one heresy that has infiltrated many Christian churches, particularly ones that claim to be “Spirit-filled”, is none other than “Prosperity Gospel”. Defined simply, “Prosperity Gospel” is nothing more than the ancient heresy that the Blessed St. Paul had to confront when addressing a letter to Timothy, which states: “If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions...
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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Neoliberalism and Economic Globalization - Rajesh Makwana

"The goal of neoliberal economic globalization is the removal of all barriers to commerce, and the privatization of all available resources and services. In this scenario, public life will be at the mercy of market forces, as the extracted profits benefit the few" The thrust of international policy behind the phenomenon of economic globalization is neoliberal in nature. Being hugely profitable to corporations and the wealthy elite, neoliberal polices are propagated through the IMF, World Bank and WTO. Neoliberalism favours the free-market as the most efficient method of global resource allocation. Consequently it favours large-scale, corporate commerce and the privatization of resources. There has been much international attention recently on neoliberalism. Its ideologies have been rejected by influential countries in Latin America and its moral basis is now widely questioned. Recent protests against the WTO, IMF and World Bank were essentially protests against the neoliberal policies that these organizations implement, particularly in low-income countries. The neoliberal experiment has failed to combat extreme poverty, has exacerbated global inequality, and is hampering international...
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Wednesday, December 09, 2015

10 Moral Crises That Have Resulted From Unfettered, Free Market Capitalism - Christian Felber

On the free market it is legal and customary to violate the dignity of our fellow human beings.  When I ask students attending my lectures at the Vienna University of Economics and Business what they understand human dignity to be, I frequently encounter a general, awkward silence. The students do not appear to have heard or learned anything about it in the course of their studies. This is all the more alarming considering the fact that dignity is the highest value: it is the first-named value in countless constitutions and it forms the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Dignity signifies value: the same, unconditional, unalienable value of all human beings. Dignity requires no “achievement” other than existence. It is from the equal value of all human beings that our equality derives – in the sense that all human beings living in a democracy should have the same liberties, rights and opportunities. And only if everyone really does have the same liberties is the condition fulfilled for enabling everyone to be really free. Immanuel Kant wrote that human dignity can only be preserved in daily life and interactions if we deem and treat each other as being of...
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Tuesday, December 08, 2015

The Myth of Neo-Colonialism - Tunde Obadina

Introduction: More than three decades after most African nations became independent, there is no consensus on the legacy of colonialism. With most African countries still only tottering on their feet and many close to collapse, some people ask whether the problem is due to Africa's colonial experience or inherent adequacies of the African? For apologists of colonialism the answer is simple. Whatever may have been the shortcomings of colonial rule, the overall effect was positive for Africa. Sure, the colonial powers exploited Africa’s natural resources but on the balance, colonialism reduced the economic gap between Africa and the West, the apologists argue. Colonialism laid the seeds of the intellectual and material development in Africans. It brought enlightenment where there was ignorance. It suppressed slavery and other barbaric practices such as pagan worship and cannibalism. Formal education and modern medicine were brought to people who had limited understanding or control of their physical environment. The introduction of modern communications, exportable agricultural crops and some new industries provided a foundation for economic development. Africans received new and more...
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Monday, December 07, 2015

Palestine, Israeli Foreign Policy and the Pan-African Movement - Abayomi Azikiwe

"Rooted in imperialism and racist ideology, Zionism is a bulwark of Western domination"  Since the late 18th century various European powers and proponents of colonialism have advocated the establishment of a Jewish state in alliance with imperialism. Since 1948, when the State of Israel was formed and officially recognized by the United Nations, its legitimacy has been questioned by not only the people of Palestine but historians and political analysts from various nationalities, including many Jewish intellectuals, activists and religious figures themselves. The advocacy of a Zionist state coincides with the development of slavery, colonialism and the mass removal and extermination of indigenous peoples throughout Latin America, North America, Africa, Asia and the South Pacific. With specific reference to the Atlantic Slave Trade which began in the 15th century, millions of Africans were removed from their homeland and subjected to super-exploitation for over 400 years as human chattel. Even after the outlawing of the Atlantic Slave Trade by Britain in 1806, the system would continue well into the 19th century. Slavery was officially abolished in the British colonies in...
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Sunday, December 06, 2015

How Modern Economics Is Built On 'The World's Dumbest Idea' - Steve Denning

I reported earlier this month that the Financial Times published a pair of important articles asking why the goal of a firm is to maximize short-term shareholder value is still being taught in business schools. “While there is growing consensus that focusing on short-term shareholder value is not only bad for society but also leads to poor business results, much MBA teaching remains shaped by the shareholder primacy model.” The challenge is massive because shareholder value is now deeply embedded in the basic economics that is taught in business schools and economics faculties around the world. Moving on from the shareholder value theory, which even its foremost exemplar, Jack Welch, has called “the dumbest idea in the world”, will entail re-thinking and re-writing much of the basics of modern economics....
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Saturday, December 05, 2015

Corruption in Africa: Challenges and Solutions - Oluwatosin Osho

 “Does it ever worry us that history which neither personal wealth nor power can pre-empt will pass terrible judgement on us; pronounce anathema on our names when we have passed? We have lost the twentieth century; are we bent on seeing that our children also lose the twenty-first?” Those are the words of Prof. Chinua Achebe, the late literary icon and author of the world-famous ‘THINGS FALL APART’ that accurately mirrors the decline in standards and morals which have befallen African societies. As Prof. Achebe rightly said, history is not on our side any longer because everything has fallen apart and it is essential for Africa to set her house in order, and be rid of the menace called corruption, which smothers her growth and development. AN INSIGHT INTO CORRUPTION: Corruption generally refers to the act of being fraudulent or dishonest, often involving the act of bribery. According to the Merriam Webster’s dictionary, corruption refers to an impairment of integrity, virtue, or moral principle.  The global anti-corruption body, Transparency International (TI), through its corruption perception index (CPI) defines corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private...
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Friday, December 04, 2015

Big Money Behind Wars: The Military-Industrial Complex - Jonathan Turley

Perpetual war represents perpetual profits for the ever expanding business and government interests  In January 1961, US President Dwight D Eisenhower used his farewell address to warn the nation of what he viewed as one of its greatest threats: the military-industrial complex composed of military contractors and lobbyists perpetuating war.  Eisenhower warned that "an immense military establishment and a large arms industry" had emerged as a hidden force in US politics and that Americans "must not fail to comprehend its grave implications". The speech may have been Eisenhower's most courageous and prophetic moment. Fifty years and some later, Americans find themselves in what seems like perpetual war. No sooner do we draw down on operations in Iraq than leaders demand an intervention in Libya or Syria or Iran. While perpetual war constitutes perpetual losses for families, and ever expanding budgets, it also represents perpetual profits for a new and larger complex of business and government interests. The new military-industrial complex is fuelled by a conveniently ambiguous and unseen enemy: the terrorist. Former President George W Bush and...
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Thursday, December 03, 2015

The colonial underdevelopment of Africa by Europe and the United States - Rene Ruiz

The history of colonialism has made it impossible for West African countries to have the infrastructure to properly respond to any crisis particularly a health crisis such as the recent Ebola Epidemic. Africa Before Colonialism: How could Africa, with all its abundance of mineral wealth and unsurpassed history of the development of science and mathematics, be left so barren by the invading exploiters? Africa’s historic contributions to the world are fundamental and extensive, but are barely mentioned in our primary schools as part of the racist propaganda, which supports colonialism. Mathematics: For example Africa is home to the world’s earliest known use of measurement and calculation. The continent is the birthplace of both basic and advanced mathematics. Thousands of years ago, Africans were using numerals, algebra and geometry in daily life. ...
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Wednesday, December 02, 2015

How the Afrikan Child is Miseducated - The Black Educator

Article was taken for luv4self@yahoogroups internet forum. Inspired by the book "The Miseducation of the Negro" by Carter G Woodson INITIATING THE MISEDUCATION OF THE AFRICAN - PART I: As African children head back to school to face another school year I would like to make an attempt to explain to our community and particularly to young parents why and how the African child has been systematically mis-educated in the western world during the last 500 years, so that they can better understand the root causes of some of the aberrations and self destructive forms of behaviour they see in our community and to help them realize that if they want a brighter future for their children and for our community, then it is imperative that they no longer leave the education of their children solely in the hands of the western educational system, but rather to follow the advice of Malcolm X who told us years ago that "the black child's education starts when the school bells rings at 4 p.m in the afternoon." (This may vary depending on what time school ends in your country) We didn't follow his advice then and today our youth are suffering the consequences. The situation of African children...
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