Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Boko Haram are more Extremist than Terrorist.....but who are the Main Terrorist?

Before you crucify me and I am expecting it, reason with me and let us walk on this road to self-realization and self-actualization. I hate to say this, but the world Terrorism to the West is mostly related to Violent extremist groups like Boko Haram; Al-Shahab, The Taliban, Al-Qaida, Hamas etc. But have you bothered to ask yourself why should the western definition be the benchmark by which we all define terrorism? You have not, I guess and that is why I think that the Re-education of Nigerians on our Historical Relevance is very important (Forget Islam & Christianity; They are Foreign). Because, without the understanding of our History, we cannot fully understand our role, our part in humanities growth and development. The mis-education of our people, the over-reliance on external interpretation of our history, the functional illiteracy within our system, the colonial division of our people, The Neo-Colonial visible and invisible demons has made it almost impossible for the average Nigeria to sit up and think Nigeria.

The Real External Terrorist are the West, Particularly the United State and Israel. The Modern Islamic fundamentalism can be traced to the Permanent Refugee situation in Palestine, where the Creation of the State of Israel in 1948 made the Palestinians Refugees in their own country. Don’t get all Biblical with, the Origin occupiers of the region were not Israelis. The anger of the average Arabian Youth of the ills the Israeli Occupiers is visiting on the Palestinian will led anyone into taking desperate measures to defend his or her fatherland in the face of unprecedented international hypocrisy on the side of the West (after-all, the Palestinians were not not responsible for the sins of the Germans). The United States Foreign Policy has also contributed greatly to the destabilization of the Arab world. People should ask, all the major modern terrorist event since the 1970 till date have been centred around what? Palestinians and US Foreign Policy…Without mincing word, The United States, The Israelis and the US Defence industry are the Biggest Terrorist in the World. Majority of all the arm struggles in Africa and the World have a touch of the United States in them, Have you not wondered why the United State have refused to Sign the Small Arms Non-Proliferation Treaty? The US was involved in the origination of the Mujahedeens (Taliban) to fight the Russians in Afghanistan in the 1980; Once the Russian fled, The CIA abandoned the Taliban from where Osama Bin Laden started the War against the US primarily because of the desecration of the Islamic Holy Land with a Crusader Army in Saudi Arabia and the Israeli Actions in Palestinians.

The Real Internal Terrorist in Nigeria are the Ex-Presidents, Governors, Ministers, Politicians and Looters who have been looting the Nigerian Commonwealth over the past decades. The Monumental Corruption and the unprecedented looting of our Treasury and Resources has led to so many problems in Nigeria. From Unemployment to Illiteracy, From Darkness to Insecurity, From Abandoned projects to Poverty, from Societal decay to Moral Criminality, From No Healthcare to deceptive Religious Leaders. These Governors, Ministers, Presidents, Politicians and Religious Leaders are the real Terrorist. They have so bastardized our society and our mentality that
Criminality has become a good thing in Nigeria. From the Niger Delta Militants to the OPC. From MASSOB to Boko Haram. One thing is common. Leadership Neglect of the people’s Common Good. I have always said that in the future the poor will have no food to eat but the rich. The surge in Kidnapping is just the beginning; the very wealthy Politicians and Religious Leaders in Nigeria should begin to watch their backs. The election of President Mohammed Buhari was a sign to tell these Terrorist that the Masses are waking up from their slumber. The Lynching and Jungle Justice for Political, Spiritual, Governmental and Societal leaders (Terrorist) is going to come like a Tsunami. They should pray that PMB succeeds.

Boko Haram and so many of the supposed Terrorist groups are a direct result of our Leaders implementing of Terrorist Policies that have succeeded in impoverishing our people. World Bank, IMF, WTO and all Western Developed Neo-Liberal policies have supported these Corrupt Leaders to milk the people even more. PMB’s scolding of developed nations for allowing Nigeria and the developing world’s looted funds to be stored in their Banks is the fact. Historical we all know that the West have supported these looters and they have provided them coverage and safe haven in the past. While things have changed a little bit and developed countries and economies have become more transparent, they must as a matter of urgency do more to close the Income Inequality problem. Thomas Piketty was explicit in his book “Capital in The Twenty First Century” that if nothing is done about the terrorism of Capitalism and Income Inequality, we will experience a people driven revolution that will be compared only to the pre-capitalist era before the 19th century.

The Real Terrorist are the Western Powers and Economies, The Politicians and our Leaders and their Demonic Trade Policies that have continually impoverished our people...When you ignore the needs of the most vulnerable in the society, you make them weapons for those with nothing to give but violence…There is a Massive incoming Masses Revolution; Very Few Politicians will Survive and the drums are already beating. Those with Ears, Let them Hear.


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