Monday, October 26, 2015

Boko Haram Is a Child of Our Collective National Docility

I have observed over the past week or so, the increase worries of Change Agents and Nigerians as well as the demand for something drastic to be done against the Boko Harm insurgency and menace. So also is the questioning of the capacity of PMB to manage the Security Situation in the North East. The Criticism is mostly justified, considering that the effort and effect of the Nigerian Army and the President have not yielded more positive results as have been observed and would have been expected. This is a major concern.... For a #Buharist, It Hurts deeply even though the end will justify the means. The continuing suicide bombings and the Consequences of those barbaric actions on the Nigerian People is troubling. But, those who have been following me would note that I have always maintained, that when we get to the point where we have one suicide bomb a week, it will be a good thing unfortunately, it would mean that the war against Boko Haram is being won, even though gradually.

Historically, No Military has succeeded in defeating Violent Extremism in the World; NONE; particularly the recent Violent Islamist groups globally. From the Coalition of the Willing to the Strength of the United State Army. The Timeline shows that the World is Failing in the Fight against Violent Islamic Extremism. #AlQaida became active in 1990 and has so many branches worldwide today that have not been defeated. The Very Violent #ISIL became active in 1999 and has been very destructive until the recent Russian successes against that group. The #Taliban became active in 1994 and even controlled a whole country for several years and are still active in Afghanistan and Pakistan today. #AbuSayyaf has been active in the Philippines since 1991 and don't seem to be heading anywhere anytime soon. #AlShabaab has been Terrorizing Eastern Africa since 2006 and their bloodletting has not been stopped even today and off course our very own #BokoHaram has been active since 2009. The Fact is that No Military has successfully succeeded against these group because we are battling against a deceptive, destructive, brainwashed ideology promoted using Religion, Greed, Fanaticism, Corruption and Selfishness.

I expect PMB to fulfilled the Military Promise by December. However, No one should be in doubt that suicide bombers cannot and have not be stopped by the Biggest Military; It probably will not stop unfortunately as quickly as we all expect. Expecting PMB to stop suicide bombers now is being Naive to be honest. Even if the Presidency, The DSS, The Army and the Police have 100% Intelligence; You cannot stop a Man or a Woman who is Determined or Brainwashed to believe that Killing His or Her Fellow Muslim/Christian is a Passport or Ticket to Heaven for Both the Killer and the Killed. Boko Haram is a vivid reminder of the Failure of Leadership and the Failure of Education in our Society....Our Northern Elites are fully to be blamed for the Menace that is now Boko Haram and they must as Matter of Urgency begin to eliminate the poverty of Ideology in the Northern States generally...Boko Haram is not having difficulties in recruiting new members because the educated and the Elite are having difficulties in understanding what needs to be done urgently. Political, Moral and Educational Corruption has destroyed the will of the commoner in the North to seek the support of government and governance that is people driven and beneficial to all. Once Government Fails, Boko Haram becomes the violent alternative and Government is Failing. Until we begin to address these urgent matters of National Importance; We will not succeed in this struggle for Humanity and PMB will fail in the battle against the Insurgency. It is no Rocket Science.

The Religious Coloration of the Insurgency must be dismember and minimized from the discourse. Nobody Kills for the Supreme Creator of Life…GOD. PMB must as a matter of grave importance ban the HIJAB for Security Reasons; it is responsible unfortunately for about 60% of the cover for Suicide Bombers. The Republic of Chad has done it; What are we waiting for #Baba? We the people must take the needed extra effort to become vigilantes in our various communities. Religious Leaders must become louder in informing and educating their teeming followers particularly in the North that Killing people unjustly cannot be a pathway to Heaven. Our Northern Religious and political Leaders are Failing and Failing Badly in providing the necessary Leadership and political Support for PMB to succeed. People must know that all public places are death-traps and all Religious gatherings are death-zones. ‘Only the dead see the end of Conflict’. I am confident that PMB will succeed where others have failed and while the criticism against his action are necessary, let us all be informed that historically he has an almost insurmountable task in his Hands. Uneasy they say lies the head that wears the crown. The Solution to defeating Boko Haram lies in the Villages, The Communities, The Local Governments and The States in the North. It is Information, Education, Counter Ideology and Poverty Reduction. The guns will not do it; The Guns have never done it anywhere in the World.

BOKO HARAM is a Child of Our Collective NATIONAL STUPIDITY. We must Eliminate it by first Elimination what makes them succeed; Their Ideology and our Societal Imbalance...Religion, Corruption, Poverty, unemployment, Impunity, Underdevelopment, etc. A Man, Woman or Child who Needs a Suicide Path to get to Heaven is a Soul that is Lost Religiously, Ideologically and Socially.


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