Monday, October 26, 2015

It is well? Oh Nigerians, when did we all become Mentally Detached?

It is Well with What? Poverty, Diseases, Death, Unemployment, Darkness, Impunity, Corruption, Looting, Embezzlement, illiteracy, Insecurity and Hopelessness? It is Well with what Really? When Funke Phillips raised the issue on her Facebook page; I had to seriously & reflectively pummel my thought process. I am VEXED Perpetually; Nigerians are Perpetually Hypnotized; We all have lost goodness and Reasoning in our Collective Will to Engage Evil and Win in the Eternal Battles of Light against Darkness. IT IS NOT WELL! THINGS ARE BAD!! YOU ARE SUPPORTING EVIL and That is WRONG!!! We are Raped by Politicians, Mentally Abused by Men of God, Financially Compromised by Bankers, Legally Criminalized by Lawyers, Collectively Restrained by our own Weakness to Change this Country for the Better. WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE PROBLEM. We are born to be USED by the BAD & the UGLY. We are Slaves Mentally and Nothing will change until we wake up from this destructive Trance.

When we kneel to Pray, What do we pray for? Cars, Houses, Children, Money or What? Guess what? 100Million Living Nigerians will Never be Able to Buy a Car on Earth or in Heaven. 110million Nigerians will Never Build a House on Earth or in Heaven. 30million Children that we gave birth to will be Hungry for 3 out of 7 days in the week. Most of us may never have access to the Money we need in this Lifetime when looters take more than they need. But, we are so afraid to fight for the Future, because we are so comfortable with the sufferings we have been allocated by our leaders in this Country. 

#‎JerryRawlings with the Support of the ‪#‎Ghanaian people Killed the Destructive Leadership in Ghana, The Chinese Executes Corrupt Political and Business Leaders, General Buhari Jailed Corrupt Leaders before IBB Institutionalized Corruption. Leaders should pay the ultimate price for failing the people. In Nigeria, The People Supports the Leadership that is killing them. I will not cry for Nigerians, We are not worth the tears. WE THE PEOPLE have become PERPETUAL COLLATERAL for the Criminality of all LEVELS of LEADERSHIP. 


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