Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Corruption & Religion Kills; Nigerians Are In Real Chains

Corruption is responsible for Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths annually in Nigeria; from Bad Roads; To Lack of Affordable Healthcare; From Diseases to Infrastructural Decay; From Unemployment to Poverty; From Darkness to Insecurity; From illiteracy to Hunger to Abandoned Projects. Nigerians have been constantly raped and bastardized by Corruption. But; Now that there is a sign that PMB is willing to tackle this Corruption Siege; Nigerians are the first to Complain. Now that ALAMS supposedly is dead; Nigerians are praying that he Rest in Peace. When did we the people get so Moronic and Hypnotized? ALAMS was an Armed Robber; a Killer; a Destroyer of Dreams and a Devil in Human Skin... On this Sunday; I CURSE HIM...But the Religious will say I am being harsh, because you don't say anything bad about the dead. Really? But you are so quick to burn a thief that stole a Car, or N10,000, or Phone, But not Alams?; HOW IDIOTIC?

The devastating impact of Corruption is only matched by Religion. Nigerians Pray more than we work; and we pray for Everything and Anything. We are now Praying for Allison DIEzziani; We must Pray for ALAMS; We pray for Criminals in Power and encourage them to loot more. Our Prayers have refused to better the lots of the Average Nigerians except the Men of Loots camouflage as Men of God. 'Whosoever is Cursed on Earth by the People is also Cursed in Heaven' Who said that again? Religion has made us Zombies; Nigerians are in a permanent State of hypnotism and that is a credit to Religion. These Men of God, loot what is left from the Political and Leadership Looters and we are Emotionally Hoodwinked to give all we have for Miracles that are not feasible in this lifetime if you do not work. But we must just do as they say, Don't we? They Preach Heaven in the skies, but Live Heavenly Here; But you must suffer here and live heavenly in Heaven.

CORRUPTION + RELIGION are Celebrated here to the detriment of the common Nigerian and our Commonwealth; This Sunday; you must pray to be unchained from the Criminalities and Bondage of the Religious and The Corrupt...Change is Nothing without your Mind, Heart and Soul being liberated. Let me Re-emphasize My Point, Position and Prayers. May God Continue to Punish those who have used Leadership Positions and Religion to impoverish the Nigerian people...DEAD or ALIVE. Whether they are APC, PDP, Serving and Ex-Governors; Ex-Presidents; Ministers etc. As they Loot our Commonwealth and Import Sorrow, Tears and Blood into Nigeria for Nigerians. May they also Import CURSES, RESTLESSNESS, SICKNESS and EVIL into their own Homes; For Their Families; Their Associates and Their Generations.

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