Politics & Governance; Businesses & Financial Instruments; Forex & Metals; Economics, Research & Development; History, Humanities & Sociology. A Hybrid Socialist & Compassionate Capitalist that Celebrates the Brilliance of the Individual; Advocates a Sustainable Mechanism to Protect the Middle Class & Seeks a Social Safety Net for the Most Vulnerable in Society. A Nationalist; Marxist & Buharist. A Financial Instrument Trader, Businessman & A Freelancer.
Monday, October 26, 2015
When is the Right Time really for Petroleum Product Prices to Crash in Nigeria?
observe that anytime a government begins to think about a people driven
policy; Issues like cost, sustainability, manageability will come up
from the Elites. Many supposed analyst will go to town and give you
reasons it is such a bad idea; It is not new. From the United State to
Great Britain, From Australia to China and from Nigeria to Egypt. It
is always the same. That is the reason a lot of analyst are already
telling us that the Federal Government's decision to crash the price of
PMS for Nigerians is a bad idea and a Populist one in the face of
dwindling revenue (Good Point). However, When it is time to Bailout
Banks, The Private Sector, Speculators, Corporations and The Richest
members of the State. They will tell you, it is a good policy, It
will Stimulate growth, More should be done by Government, More Waivers,
More Tax Cuts, Less Regulation, Less Oversight and so on. So when
government introduces policies that are Elite driven due to the poor
management decisions of the private sector, It is a good idea; But when
government does the same for the masses who are suffering because of
terrible private decisions and bad governmental policies it is a bad
They are
Forgetting that Recently; Custom Re-introduced and Increased Tarrifs on
Rice, Eliminated Waivers, Lifted the bad on Land Borders to Increase
Revenue. They are forgetting that the GMD NNPC noted that Nigeria
was consuming about 10million less than the 40million Litres daily as
speculated and Subsidized. Forgetting that the 90 days timeline to get
Port Harcourt and Kaduna online and to about 60% Capacity or more is
November. Forgetting that closing Governmental waste and loopholes
already increased Government Revenue by more than 100%. Forgetting that
Subsidy payment has drop to below N300million daily even though
Refineries are still producing below 15% of Installed
capacity. Forgetting that dropping the Price of PMS is a major
Stimulate for Small Businesses who almost always depend on PMS
daily. Forgetting that Government can actually increase Revenue from
other sector of the Economy with a 25% reduction in PMS. They Forget
So Many Things. Because when policies are pro Masses, They are
ineffective, but when they are pro-Business, they are super
Hybrid Socialism is Working in the Scandinavian Countries; It is working
in The Asia Countries; It is in Canada already; It worked with
Obamacare. It can work in Nigeria. Regulatory Oversight is the
Key. Let the People Enjoy the Government of their Sweat!!!
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