Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Here we go Again; Nigerians are Not Reading; I am Historically Angry!!!

The Lack of History in our School is now an Epidemic. Nigeria became a Republic in 1963 with True Fiscal Federalism in Place. Gen. A Ironsi Eliminated that with the Decree 34 that enacted the Unitary Republic declaration and Eliminated Fiscal Federalism. Now Listen, The Northerners and The Westerners Kicked against what Gen. Ironsi did; Primarily because it was perceived as an attempt by the Ibos (Same Now as it was Then) to dominate all the Regions of Nigeria. Guess what? The Easterner Supported Gen. Ironsi 100% and praised the decision strongly. The Westerners and the Northerners did not only kick against Decree 34 they also kicked against our CRUDE OIL from the Niger Delta. Gen. Ironsi's Reasons probably died with him; But one thing is very clear. The Invitation to the Crude Oil Wealth and Curse was supposedly forced on the North, The West and all of Nigeria by WHO? Once Nigeria Tasted Oil. The Rest they Say is History.

There were few Recorded case of Violence against the Ibo in Northern Nigeria Pre the January 1966 Coup. That the Violence started in the 1940s and 1950s leading to thousands of Ibo death is a LIE accepted by Idiots Marketed by Bigots. That the North was scared to accept true Fiscal Federalism because of Oil is a LIE used by those who thinks they are Superior. The US, British, European and Even the Chinese Economy were all developed through Agriculture; Majority of Industrializations starts from Agriculture. The Northern part of Nigeria have more than 80% of Nigeria's Land; And is Naturally Blessed with the Capacity to be an Agricultural Power house; The Cotton and Groundnut Industry of the Past is not lost on those who have an idea of History. The Truth must be told and History must be understood by all.
STOP THE LIES. THEY ARE ANNOYING. No Nigerian Region is Superior or Smarter or Better than the other. While the Northerners are Backward Educationally; They are Blessed Naturally and are Mostly United as a capable force. While The Westerners are Educationally Endowed; They are More Bookish than Industrious. While the Easterners are Very Industrious; They are also very individualist and Unruly. The South Southerner is Blessed with Oil; But cursed with the right Management. All these problems are manifested in our Society. What is wrong if we promote the best of us all and not expose the worst of our characters. CONFLICT & WARS are always a Reflection of our Demons.

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