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Friday, November 06, 2015

Dear Change Agents...Please Read This!!!

I write to engage the common good of us all who desires that which is absolutely necessary for the betterment of all Nigerians. This is intended in my own little way to help us focus on the ball and never allow anyone particularly those who will be very pleased to see us fail take over the narrative of our Presidency. From the Blood of those who died on the streets of the Niger Delta to the sun-backed barefooted Hausa fulani's in the North bracing bombs to see this victory achieved. From the strategic online smart intellectuals in the West to the unshakable warriors in the East. This is our moment, this is our man, this is the time and you must be alongside the President always. our Support for PMB must be unrivalled; Our Criticism must be rational, our anger must be constructive and the PDP cannot, must-not, will-not set the agenda for those who fought for change.
Yes; ‪#‎MallamAleeAmeen‬ the Presidential Media Team is terrible and I cannot fault that at all...While Communication is absolutely important;‪#‎PetraAkinti‬ you can imagine the situation if the president is a man of very few words as we know him to be (Not an excuse). Sometimes you get really bored with some mix messages from the Presidency and Kabiru Danladi Lawanti; the excuses on computer glitch was comical to say the least. My brotherly Nzeribe Buhari Enzo Uzordimma, praise singing is not the thing, but who markets your goods if you discredit them anyway? I have the privileged of meeting the President twice through my Dad;‪#‎MosesEUTedheke‬ his is the finest of humanity and a people oriented leader. I am confident that we are well represented. If we do not sing his praise, who will? ‪#‎GeorgeBushSnr‬; just said today that ‪#‎DonaldRumsfeld‬and ‪#‎DickCheney‬ were responsible for the Wars that crumbled America; over a decade after. ‪#‎JebBush‬ is struggling in the Republican primaries because of the stigma of being a ‪#‎Bush‬ over a decade after. ‪#‎Tony‬ Blair and the Labour Party are still suffering in the UK for the Sins of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan over a decade ago; Barack Obama is still being accused by Republicans and some democrats of wasting the $787billion stimulus on Tax Breaks for businesses and not the middle-class almost 8 years after (I am with Obama here). In five months of PMB's presidency; we have a Foundation, Structure and a System evolving and we get all worked up allowing the PDP to dictate the narrative? If there is any person I am more than happy to Butt-lick and Ass-Suck, then by every means it should be this President and his persona. No regrets.
I cannot and will not allow anyone dictate the modus operandi of my criticism of PMB; it should never be so with his base. We are the first line of defence and the first line of attack. We must protect him always against those whose interest is at odd with PMb's desire to honestly change this country; We must not be seem to be unreliable by our opponents or be termed flip flop by our dis-tractors. We must be a force of absolute capacity to intimidate the worst of our politicians who are the reasons we are here in the first place. PMB would not need to spend N350billion to bailout States if a system was in place. N400billion would not have been paid as subsidy if prudence has been established in the subsidy regime (under N300 million from N2.5billion in May). N4.8billion (First Bank & UBA), N1.04Trillion (MTN) are a sign that our laws are beginning to be respected and actions will have consequences; The Stability of the Naira since May, The Refusal to allow JP Morgan have their way and the Forex Limitations to boost imports are clear signs of a president who is willing and capable of providing for her citizens. The reforms and Transparency in NNPC are heart-warming; The Restructuring in the Federal Civil Service are Encouraging and off-course the Nigerian Custom Reforms are Soul-pleasing; $2.5billion has already been secured for the social Safety Net Programs for our most vulnerable; $2.5billion secured for the redevelopment of the North East; $10million already allocated for the Cleanup of Ogoniland; $25billion infrastructural fund being planned. The drive for loot recovery is advanced. These are fantastic opportunities and a genuine reason for we all to be positive, optimistic and forceful in our defence of the people's General.
I ask that we not be distracted by the immediate needs of NOW; it was never going to be easy, it was always going to be a war between the good of PMB and the Evil intention of those who looted us dry and destroyed this country in the first place. But, where has real change come without difficult choices and incredibly worrying problems? We all must be prepared to feel these short term pains for long term gains. I am positive that this journey is going to be a roller-coaster ride, but we will triumph gloriously. You must not be a reference point for Wailers to ridicule our president; You must be steadfast to your country and this president. We must remind him daily to do the right things, but our reminder must not evolve into a condemnation of the man who means well for his people. I cannot give anyone who felt GEJ should have gotten a further four years the joy to gloat over the presidency of PMB in 5 months; I am Allergic to that. That is an irritate that cannot be present in any form around me.
I am Your Friend Still and Always;

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