Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Please Don't Bother to Pray Today IF...

You Think That The Criminality of Politicians and Particularly Our Current Governors and Lawmakers(APC & PDP) is the Will of God and There is Nothing You can do About It, But to Pray for them.....Sorry; You are an Unresolved Problem in God's Sight. Humanities God; is Justice; Fairness and Equality….You are either Hot or Cold or you are out of here; Can’t be HOT & COLD. You are Still Marching the Devil as Christian or Stoning the Devil as Muslims; Sorry; You are the Devil. If you follow Jesus Christ Doctrine and Prophet Mohammed (SAW) Teachings and You Love Your Neighbor as you Love Yourselves; There will be NO DEVIL to Kill, Stone or March ...Your Cowardice in the face of unprecedented Looting by Politicians and Pastors is the Reason THE DEVIL is not Dying ...You are DYING Instead and you still don’t get it; Pure Insanity and Absolute Idiocy. You think it is Cool for a Criminal Pastor; Bishop; Daddy; Overseer with Congregation numbering Several Millions to Be Materialistic with Private Jets and Luxury for Evangelism and Pope Francis with 2 Billion Catholics; $500billion Annual Budget; A Whole Country....Flies Public Airliner (Air-italia); Has an Official Car that is Worth maybe $20,000 and Capable of Meeting any World Leader he desires to meet….Your Continuous defense of the absurdity and Corruption of these Men of God is hypocrisy personified....You are not Like Christ; You are an ANTI-CHRIST. You think those who are not Muslims are Infidel and those who are not Christians are Unbelievers; But your LIFE; HOME and OFFICE is littered with Made in Korea; Japan; China; Taiwan; Hong Kong and Thailand Electronics; Cars; Kitchen Utensil; Furniture; Drugs; In Short Everything…..You are a Born Again Christian or Muslim and you are totally dependent on the Mental Advancement and Productive Capacity of the the Infidels & Unbelievers…Sorry; But you are ANTI-GOOD; You have contributed Nothing to Humanity but VIOLENCE & STUPIDITY ...Your Prayers are Useless.
You Think that Fighting Corruption and Governmental Impunity is Witch-Hunting? You must be Mistaken what your Religion is suppose to do…Hunt Witches; Mumu!!!. Did Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed (SAW) not Hunt Witches? By the way what is Wrong in Hunting Witches and Wizards that have contributed immensely to the many problems of the Nigerian State today? You cannot see because you are Blind; You are Hypnotized; You are gullible; Confused and You are a Zombie…Stop Praying; Your prayers are Annoying everyone; They are hypocritical; Biased and Stupid. Nigeria and the World with be a Better place without your Prayers; Your Prayers have Increased the Men of Loot Camouflaging as Men of God; Your Prayers have Increased Geometrically the Number of Churches and Mosque; Your Prayers have Increased Corruption; Impunity; Tribalism; Poverty; Unemployment; Insecurity; Laziness; Death; Number of Looters; Darkness etc…YOUR PRAYERS have been bad for HUMANITY...Just Stop Praying Stupidly...Think; Evaluate; Ask Questions; Seek Answers….Then; You will Wake up to the Reality of your STUPIDITY .....Sorry; I am a Realist, A Nationalist & a Buharist.

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