Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Oh Workers, Where Have Thou Sinned?...A VEXING SOUL

From Ondo State to Imo State; From South to West; North to East; Nigerian Workers have become Perpetual Beggars; Beggars of what is rightfully theirs. Their works, efforts, their time and commitment; their lives and families are being ridiculed and ignored. Majority of parents and families are struggling to feed; to hope, to dream to even imagine a future where living would have a meaning. What must workers do to be well compensated for being the engine room of development and growth in Nigeria. The Nigerian Civil and Public Servants are the biggest driver of consumption and a significant part of the Nigerian Economy. Every man or woman deserves his or her wages (The Wages is not even fair in Nigeria); anf that wage is a struggling wage. Now their effort is being completely and arrogantly ignored by governors who will be punished by the God they serve.CURSED should be upon any GOVERNOR who is enjoying the Suffering of the Nigerian Workers. All Governors in Nigeria today who, having collected Bailout Money from the Federal Government through the compassionate conviction of President Muhammadu Buhari and are refusing to pay workers their arrears are CURSED. The destruction of the Nigerian States is a reflection of the Stupidity and Wickedness of Governors and Politicians generally in the past. State are wasting money in the name of Security Votes; Abandoned contracts; White Elephant projects and that has resulted in the delay to the payment Workers wages that they have earned. May Fire, Brimstone, Death, Horror, Evil and all of Society's worst find their ways to the HOMES and FAMILIES of all GOVERNORS who are benefiting from the continuing hardship on the Nigerian Worker and the Nigerian Economy...My prayer for all Guilty Governors is that DEATH and SORROW be ever present around THEM...You are an ENEMY of the PEOPLE and an Enemy of the NIGERIAN STATE....Pay your workers what they are due; They are not asking for extra (When we get to that Bridge we will cross it); Pay what you collected BAILOUT for...PAY WORKERS NOW
Oh; NLC; Oh Organized Labour; Where are thy Spine? Where are thy bite? You, The Nigeria Labour CongressTrade Union Congress of NigeriaNigeria Union of Teachers etc; The defenders and the fighters for the interest of the Nigerian Worker are a SHAME and a STOOGE to the powers that be; Change thy ways. Oh; How we miss the Union Leadership and Struggles of old; How we Miss the Struggle and Solidarity of Nigerian Union Leadership of old......In-short; all Union Leadership that have become stooge for Governors will experience the same Curses that are due Governors....NLC and TUC having failed to fight the Workers Battle are also Enemies of the Nigerian State; Let no one be deceived; The Leadership of Labour will face the wrath; in the not too distant future. The Nigerian People are Collectively fighting a GODLY fight for the Nigerian Workers; to say things the way they are......'Say the Truth Always and That Truth Shall Set you Free'...Hide Behind No Religion; Ethnicity; Tribalism or Corruption to Defend Evil, Criminality and Wickedness of GOVERNORS & ORGANIZED LABOUR. My Nigerians; Whoever and Wherever you are; our Workers are suffering; Governors and Organized Labour from Ondo to Imo State; from South to East; North to West; are Refusing to pay our Workers even after they have collected the Bailout from the Federal Government and a Compassionate President Buhari; Workers who are Muslims and Christian; Poor and the surviving Middle Class; are Suffering greatly; In Poverty and Hopelessness....You have a duty; We have a duty; To notify The authorities that GOVERNORS & LABOUR have looted the Workers Common Wages...Who will join use in this Battle against the Worst of our Humanity; Against the Criminals in our Polity; Against the Demons in our Spirituality; Against The Looters of our Commonwealth?

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