Thursday, November 05, 2015

This is Not Criticism....This is Hallucination

In 2008 after the Historical Financial Meltdown; The United State Congress Gave President Barack Obama$787Billion Stimulus and a Super Majority in Both Houses of Congress....This chart Tells the Story of how long it took for the US Economy to find her footing; it took two years; A Structured Working System like the United States......You Compared PMB to Canada; I am helping by comparing PMB to a Bigger Economy; The United States.....I am not Pleased with THIN-SKINNED Buharist.....When I got pissed with PMB over the NASS Leadership issues; I was accused of being took quick to react; I think those Buharist who are trying to justify their criticism now are pathetic...

What is the Criticism all about really? Bad Economy; Guess what all Economies globally are down are expected to be down over the next 12 months....It is not News....Boko Haram? PMB will defeat them Militarily by December, but if you think that Suicide Bombers will be stopped completely; You have been leaving in Mars.....Anti-Corruption; That EFCC is more noise than action; I think we all need to begin to respect Lawyers more; we are legally backward. Infrastructures? If the Railways that Gulped $10billion is down; The Roads in the East are collapsing; The Agricultural Revolution is grounded; The Rebasing has auto-downbased; N350billion Backlog of Salaries incurred during an era of unprecedented Revenue and N413Billion backlog of Subsidy Claims in an era of unprecedented wealth? And you want these problems fixed in 5 months or even in 2015?.....What is wrong with you? I call All Chelsea and Barcelona fans Prostitutes and All Man Utd; Liverpool and Arsenal Fans Legends for a Reason. We are Not Easily Moved by Sentiments or Noise...Wake up....PMB is not a Facebook Updating President...SORRY!!!

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