Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Oh Common Sense; Where at Thou?

When Jesus the Christ was betrayed, the Religious and Political Leaders were in alliance. When Nelson Mandela was imprisoned, tortured and the revolutionaries in Southern Africa were made to go through hell on earth; the Religious and Political Leaders where in alliance; From Thomas Sankara, to Patrice Lumumba; From Mahatma Ghandi to Che Guevara...The Alliance between the Leadership of the State and the Religious Institutions was a key factor in the betrayal, death and humiliation of Nationalist leaders all over the world. Religion was used and is being use to promote Slavery, Imperialism, Neo-Colonialism, Neo-Liberalism and Neo-Conservatism. The Relationship between government leadership and the Religious Men of God has created and left on it's trails; Sorrows, Tears and Blood for the masses of all races, religion and all countries according to the legendary and prophetic Fela Anikulapo Kuti. I need Nigerians to ask themselves a very simple question? What has been the benefit of religion; particularly Modern Christianity to the struggles against oppression, corruption, bad leadership, bad governance, looting and the raping of the Nigerian people? Religion has failed. Majority of Christians have failed massively and miserably. The Leader of the Christian faith, Jesus the Christ was and is for Social Justice, Fairness, Equality and human objectivity...There was no fear to stand up against evil, or the demons in the Church of old. I make bold to say that 99% of those standing in front of you today; in the pulpit are not like Christ (Mahatma Ghandi). Our places of worship are polluted, our minds are compromised, our commonwealth stolen and our dreams chartered. Thanks to the alliance between our political and religious leaders. The alliance has led to massive poverty, unprecedented hunger; underdevelopment, astonishing brain drain; insecurity, and many terrible societal and leadership failings.
These quotes, "Religion is the opium of the masses" and "Religion is the reason the poor have not killed the rich" are from two famous and Legendary personalities; Karl Marx and Bonaparte Napoleon. This is the time for the common sense revolution, The revolution of the mind and the revolution of a people based movement. None is anointed of God who is anti-people, anti-progress, anti-growth, pro-corruption, pro-looting, pro-war and pro-impunity. The anointed men of God are those who have fought for the people of God and upheld or are upholding the true teachings of Christ and the Prophet Mohammed (SAW); From Fela to Bob Marley; From Thomas Sankara to Patrice Lumumba; From Nelson Mandela to Mahatma Ghandi; From Rev. Martin Luther King Jnr to Tupac Amaru Shakur to Che Guevara and many others. In their imperfection but with an honest desire for the greater good of all humanity; they were assaulted, disgraced, punished, humiliated and mentally tortured; but they never were intimidated, they never were scared of the humiliation; they spoke the Truth always; they suffered persecution but always persevered.....Those are the Anointed and true Men of God.
We will suffer continually if we refuse to be educated and if we refuse to become knowledgeable in that which must benefit the people. The interest of our country will be compromised by the alliance between the Religious and the Politicians. We the people have the power of the masses; we are the mob. We are the biggest fear factor for all politicians and the oppressors in the society; when we put our common sense to greater use. We must all realize now that we can develop this great country collectively under the leadership of a Nationalist leader (Like PMB) or destroy this country collectively under the leadership of Politico-Religious Leaders with looting and destruction of the state as their common objective. The choice is ours; the question is will our common sense be useful in the face of unprecedented hypnotism and deception by the Politico-Religious? or will the Masses (Mob) fight alongside PMB to re-start the Nigerian change engine?
The Answer; Nigerians is in our Hands. The Choice is Clear; Common Sense Revolution or continuing devaluation of the Nigeria people...In the Words of Ernesto Che Guevara "Being a Revolutionary, An Activist; A Nationalist is the Highest Form of Mankind; Homeland or Death"

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