Wednesday, November 04, 2015

If This is Not a National Crisis; What is?

It is depressing when Nigerians response to key questions of National relevance is 'Must I be Involved?'; 'My Family is not Hungry, Why bother to protest against government failures?'; 'I Thank God for my Life; Please Let God Fight for me Biko?'; 'My paying Tithe is not a Problem, what is your Headache?'; 'What has Nigeria done for me; That will make me kill myself fighting for Nigeria and Nigerians?'....This is Pathetic; Unfortunate; Disgusting; Selfish; Ignorant and Dangerous. Who are we? ......When we fail; we fail as a people; Nigeria is one of the most Corrupt Country on Earth; By extension; Nigerians are Corrupt, meaning Religion in Nigeria is Corrupt, You are Corrupt and Godliness is far from us all....When we refuse to get involve in the business of Governance, Accountability and Responsibility; we allow bad people lead us; Example is a Drug Dealer Like Buruji Kashamu; Ex-convicts like James Ibori; Pedophiles like Ahmed Sani Yerima; State Economic Killers Like Bukola Saraki; Economic Sabotuers Like Okonjo Wrecker; Audacious Looters Like Diezani Alison Madueke; Religious Hypnotic Criminals Like our Men of God.....You and I are Responsible for the emergence of these Society's Worst; as Leaders. The Failure of This Country in the past is our Fault as a People. Nigerians have no Idea of their own History. We have become a Bible/Quran carrying quoting Bigots; We are a Population of Mumu's with absolutely no Idea of who we are. Everything we are Taught by The Colonialists; The Missionaries; The Clergies; The Imams and the Selfishly Corrupt Governmental System, We accept; injects and consume without questions.....A Nation that cannot ask questions of her Government is a Nation that will fail every-time. A Religion that frowns at questions about it's implementation and Work-ability is a Fraud; Any Religion that refuses to entertain dissenting opinion is a Scam; Any Economic system that creates wealth only for a very few people is unsustainable; Any Economic Policy that is dependent on External forces to survive is an Enemy of the People; Any Model that creates Profit without Prosperity Creates Unemployment; Poverty, Insecurity etc...That is Evil ....But Guess what? All these are possible only when the Population is docile, hypnotized; Illiterate and compromised. That is who we are.
Nigeria will continue to Fail, because you have allowed the Bad People in the Society to Continue to Lead....You are a very major Reason Nigeria is Backward. You are too quick to Lynch, Kill and Burn a Man who stole N5,000 to Feed his Family but just cannot see yourself setting an Ambush in your Community to Mob a Politician who has collected Billions to fix your infrastructure but has failed to do so. You quote the Scripture, Telling me to touch not your Anointed; Whereas you anointed is Looting the little the masses are able to save in the name of More Blessing that historically has not materialized; You are in the Church or the Mosque from Monday-Sunday praying for what? Nigerians are Prayer Warriors; You Pray for the Leader that is Looting from you and You Pray to be Looted from.......Let me repeat; Look now as you read around you; Your Household and your office (if any); You see that Most things that have made your life easier (TV, Cars, Washing Machines; Laptops; Mobile Phones; Clothes, etc) are Imported from the Infidels/Unbelievers in Asia; The Chinese; Japanese; Koreans; Vietnamese etc....You are Praying to be dependent on them. The Asian have implemented the words of Jesus Christ More than you Christians..."Greater Things Than These Shall You Do" Shame on You; Shame on Us; Nobody will Make Nigeria Great if not you and I.....The Arabians and Jewish Religion is Alien to the Africans people and it is continually under-developing our capacity to think independently......We all have become Slave to Religion; Neo-Colonialism, Corruption; Ethnicity; Tribalism; Illiteracy etc; .....IS THIS NOT NATIONAL STUPIDITY?
Have a Thinking Week Ya'all......Support The Nationalist; PMB.

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