Wednesday, November 04, 2015

What Has The Private Sector Ever Done For Humanity?

Capitalism is mostly about private ownership of wealth; and every Free Market and Neo-Liberal Economist and their supporters have always stated erroneously that Development can only be Sustained when it is Private Sector Driven.....The question that we on the other side have always asked is why has the Private sector done little other than to take Stupid Risk; Crash Economies of the world and get Bailout; Again! and Again!! and Again!!!?....Look around you; in every sector; The Private Players wait for Government even in the most Advanced Capitalist Countries. Government set the agenda and the Private Sector key in. Governments of the world Spend on Research & Development in all fields of human endeavors; Government Creates Infrastructure; Government provides Funding and Guarantees; Government proposes Developmental Goals and Initiatives; Government is the Biggest Consumer; The Biggest Supplier; Provides Subsidies and Support; Create Industries; Set Monetary Policies and you name it.
Like the Famous Princeton Economist Paul Krugman said; Those that believe in Limited Government will hoodwink us all into thinking that government is not needed in our life's until it is time to cut Social Security and it became 'don't tread on my Government Support'. Most of the proponent of Limited Government have been the biggest benefactors of government Interventions in the world; The Koch Brothers for example who gets Government Support running into Billions; The Wall Street Bankers who are Bailed out every other Year; Provided easy Money through Quantitative Easing; Low Interest Rates and Sustained through taxpayers money when they do not pay Taxes....If Government is so Bad; Why are Businesses Worldwide Spending Billions to not just Lobby for Favorable Government decisions but to actually Buy Elections so that Government will do their Bidding? The Main question is what has the Private sector done for You; Me and Humanity Really?

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