Wednesday, November 04, 2015

When Leadership is Insensitive and Unfair

When Governors refuses to pay Workers Salaries and debts of Several Months; But are able to somehow still continue to draw Billions of Naira for Security Votes....When Governors still LIE to the people about the Bailout when CBN has already published the Amount and the time the funds was disbursed....When Governors still thinks they are operating in PDP's 16 years of destructive governance where lack of Transparency and Corruptionin Government was celebrated. When Nigerian Leaders says I will not resign until I am proven guilty whereas Leaders from most part of the world where we copied our legal system, resigns with dignity even before the proof of guilt is established........When the Senate President expects Red Carpet to be rolled out with dancing & singing to welcome him in the Mosque were all are equal before God and PMB's Steadfastness is liberating the people.....Where Leaders cry of witch hunting for actions they willfully committed and PMB's determination to rid Nigeria of Corruption is beginning to get to the mentality of the common man on the street, But the Politicians are still in denial.
When Commercial Bank CEO's are exposed for depending on Government Handouts but they keep giving the impression that the TSA is bad for Nigerian Economy and Not for their Pockets ...When JP Morgan gives us the Impression that Devaluation, Importation and Trade Liberalization is too important for Nigerians and Not the Speculative Financial Market Traders....When The United States and Western Leaders are depending on Protectionism, Trade Subsidies and Unlimited Governmental support for their Key Industries and Businesses, But thinks it is a crime for Nigeria to do the Same. When Men of God Loot their congregations of all forms of livelihood and promise them Miracles; while the Poverty Level in Nigeria keeps Rising and those miracles are becoming eternally hopeless ...When Men of God; Will buy Private Jets and LIE to their Congregations that Everyone will buy their own someday; an impossibility to all but very privileged Criminals of humanity ...When Men of God live more for Materialism and tell the Congregation to empty their pockets to fund their dangerous destructive Materialism habits and wait for their Reward in Heaven.

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