Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Let The Nigerian Stock Market Continue to Crash

Let The Nigerian Stock Market Continue to Collapse; All The Rubbish Foreign Investment in Stock, that seek Quick Profits without any Prosperity to Nigerians should continue to loose Money....Nothing is Worst than the Criminals in JP Morgan and the Speculative Hedge Funds Monsters Worldwide; Making a run against the Naira without any physical investment in Nigeria ....Financial Markets and Devaluation pays only two set of people in Nigeria; Importers and Speculators (Bankers & The Financial Market Investors)....It adds problems and Negativity to the Nigerian Economy and that is the same issue worldwide. As a Financial Instrument Trader and someone who is actually feeling the pains of the policies of CBN and the Federal Government; I make bold to say that my Country, Nigeria comes first on this one; I am restructuring my portfolio to the New Nigerian Reality; A reality of Real Growth and Development; This much I have explained to my clients (As tough as it has been particularly those with USD$ Related portfolios) ....Nothing is as evil as Financial Markets controlling Billions of Dollars and Naira without Real Direct Investment in the Nigerian Economy; Instead what you see are High Yield Speculative Stock, Bond and Financial businesses with benefits to few Investment Bankers whose interest is Quick Money and More Suffering to the Nigerian People.
How do you explain that WhatsApp the Messaging app is being Valued @ about $16Billion Dollars and the Turkish Airlines is Valued @ about $5billion Dollars.....Whatsapp has about 100 employees worldwide with physical asset not up to $100million Dollars; While Turkish Airlines has Physical Asset Valued at about $4Billion Dollars.....Who does this evaluations? (JP Morgan & Co.); Based on what really? (Stock and Financial Performance) ...What Happens if both Companies Collapse tomorrow? Turkish Airline Investors will loose about 20% of the Value of their investment because there are physical asset you can sell and Whatsapp Investors will Loose 99% of their Investment; because there is nothing to fall back on ....You See the RUBBISH that is Speculative Financial Instrument Holding? Speculation is 1000% over leveraged; where $1000 can control $1,000,000 in trade and there is no real investment to back them up. Mahatir Mohammed; The Legendary Former Prime Minister of Malaysia said that Capitalism and Free Market Economics is Eternally Flawed and a Recession, Financial Market Collapse, Bond Crisis and Stock Market Crash is always around the Corner; With Financial Markets, You are on a Life Support Machine 24/7 all your life....It is an ever Present Danger....Wall Street is a Click away from another Depression...What Professor David Harvey called A Constant State of Financial Market Uncertainty in His Book 'The Seventeen Contradictions of Capitalism'
Any True Nigerian; A Nationalist; A Buharist; A Buharideen; A Pan-Africanist; A Moderate Capitalist; Every Socialist will Support the CBN and the Federal Government actions (There will be short term problems; but the end will justify the actions).....Just as a Reference point; has anybody asked recently how a Self-Acclaimed Socialist; Bernie Sanders; is Leading the Democratic Party Candidates in the United States of America?....Wake up Nigerians; It is Time for Real Investment; Real Foreign Direct Investment...Not Speculators; and Financial Instruments High Yield Capital, Stock and Bond Investment that generates quick PROFITS WITHOUT PROSPERITY.

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