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See The Hatred For Putin |
Karatnycky's article begins:
It would be interesting to know how exactly Mr. Karatnycky defines "free inquiry". Given the Atlantic Council's raison d'etre, we could suppose that Karatnycky equates "free inquiry" with being on board with US/NATO political-economic goals, i.e. U.S.-directed economic subterfuge, 'color revolutions', NATO military incursions, etc. As long as you're au courant with all that, you can be said to be in a position to conduct "free inquiry". Otherwise, we can surmise that Karatnycky feels that the Russian government's efforts to strengthen the nation must be - by their very nature - something inherently sinister. The'Terra Scientia' Russian Youth Education Conference can't simply be a constructive effort by the Russian government to promote Russian values among the Russian population, but must, by default, be against America. I'm surprised Karatnycky didn't evoke the indoctrination practices of 'Hitler youth' here. Maybe he figured that would have been too strong a reminder of the influence actual Nazis have in his home country, groups like the 'Right Sector' who have been empowered by his hard work as a 'Eurasia expert' in Washington policy circles.
Next he says: "The requisite number of patriotic dithyrambs"? Well, aren't we learned. Why shouldn't Lavrov regale young students and teachers of President Vladimir Putin's achievements in foreign affairs and national security? And other areas besides? To begin with, Putin's leadership heralded a major turning point in his country after the Boris Yeltsin years, and decades of Soviet mismanagement - not to mention all manner of U.S. meddling - that left Russia in near ruins. Since the beginning of his nearly fifteen years as leader, Putin and his team did the hard work of correcting and repairing an incredible amount ofsystemic corruption and neglect. In sum, the Russian President is probably not only without peer among world leaders, but continues to counter Western-backed subterfuge to give Russia and other Western-influence-weary countries a fighting chance of not going down with the sinking ship that is ponerized Western 'civilization'. When people like Mr. Karatnycky, (whose career is based on tearing apart countries like Russia), hear about President Putin's successes, they are immediately and unconsciously 'triggered'. But being the slimy, covert peddlers of paramoralisms that they are, they give vent to their infantile rage by way of all manner of insidious innuendo. Adrian Karatnycky has not only lobbied full-time for bringing former Soviet countries into Washington's sphere of influence, he has a financial interest in seeing Ukraine succeed - on Western terms.
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Nedelya.ua organized a survey... |
If by "people around the world" the author means imperial-minded Americans and their various blackmailed and corrupt international lackeys, then yes, I suppose Russia is "mistrusted". A Gallup international poll of more than 68 countries in 2014 shows that actual people around the world overwhelmingly mistrust the US, which was voted three times more dangerous than the next country on the list. As for the facts concerning the Crimean referendum, I can only suggest that the author open a can of Schlitz beer and watch this documentary, which refutes just about every assertion made in the Western media about Crimea's decision to join the Russian Federation. Easy peasy, Karatnycky. But he wouldn't do that. Anything suggesting that Crimea made an authentic and sovereign choice to re-join Russia after the US worked so hard and spent so much to install its lackeys in power in Kiev, only to have one of Ukraine's prized regions choose to have no part in the new configuration, sticks in the craw of this Ukie Fellow at the Atlantic Council.
The fundamentals of Russia's economy, while limited, are largely based on the export of natural resources and therefore sound, but the same can't be said for the US economy which is based on the exploitation of the resources of other nations and is therefore living waaay beyond its means and teetering so close to the edge that the Federal Reserve Board recently chickened out of raising interest rates because its Wall Street shareholders are afraid of what it might do to the US debt mountain. Everyone else is only 'in decline' to the extent that they are exposed to the flagrantly bankrupt US economy and Wall Street debt-money.
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US-supported brutality against the civilians of Novorussia. |
This is perhaps the most pusillanimous and manipulative point made in Karatnycky's anti-Russia, anti-Putin diatribe. First, did the author think so little of his readers that he didn't consider they might click on the link, read the article, and see what was actually said, its context, and why Putin said that Goebbels was indeed 'talented'? What's left out of the above passage is that Putin was meeting with leaders of Israel's and Europe's religious Jewish community, who were acknowledging Putin for his work in combating the resurgence of Nazi ideology in the world, most noticeably in Ukraine. Here is the passage that the author so grossly distorted:
It's perfectly clear from Putin's statement that he was acknowledging the powerful and destructive capability of effective liars like Goebbels. Being the victim of some very destructive lies himself, he would be in a position to know. How in the world Karatnycky could conflate Putin's statement to mean that he was expressing any admiration for the 'Big Lie' concept itself, and its proponent Joseph Goebbels, is beyond comprehension - until one considers that Karatnycky was himself trying to perpetuate a Big Lie about Putin and further promote among clueless Westerners the pathetically childish lie that Putin is a 'Bad Man'.

What we're witnessing here is not terribly unlike Nazi propaganda films splicing shots of disheveled Jews with shots of filthy rats scurrying about. Karatnycky and his globe-spanning cadre of pro-American, pro-Western propagandists exemplify the Big Lie technique at work today. Their cynical allusions to the emotionally-charged Holocaust to project their own genocidal tendencies onto the President of Russia is despicably ironic. Can you spell p s y c h o p a t h i c ?
It is the very fact that the "real challenges confronting Russia" are actually being met head on that provokes people like Karatnycky to attempt to undermine, subvert and destroy Russia's independence. It is the Karatnyckys of this world who are in for a very rude awakening, and it's coming soon. The Russians have already learned their lessons about 'free market capitalism', 'neoliberalism', interventionism, false-flags, 'color revolutions', fifth columns, economic coercion, and state-sponsored terrorism. That their analysis and strategic decisions are based on objective reality, not 'reality-creation', is what makes them such a threat to the Western-imposed status quo. And that is why we see articles like this one, completely divorced from reality yet proliferating like weapons of mass deception into the minds of gullible Westerners via the perfidious and pusillanimous Western mainstream media.
Ennio Addams : Born and raised in New York City, Ennio has led discussion groups about 'High Strangeness', taught the best stress relief techniques available to man, and annoyed just about everyone he's ever known about the virtues of eating copious amounts of butter, and smoking. He also enjoys seeing and sharing what's true on SOTT and has been an editor here since May, 2014.
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