Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Oh God, What is Wrong With Our People?

My Heart is heavy,My Mind is clouded and My Soul hurts badly at the Nigerian situation. My hands are struggling to type, The body is weak, the Spirit is mad....I feel like a Samurai, A Militant and A Rebel; I feel like the Burden of Hypocrisy and Corruption in the Nigerian System will overwhelm our desire to CHANGE this Cancer of Corruption, Religion, Ethnic Bigotry and Tribal Manipulation....How can Families and Parents struggling to Feed, Send Kids to School, Survive daily, Without hope of were the next meal will come from support the Looters of our Commonwealth? How can Youths who are graduates without future, unemployed without hope for jobs, Students not sure of the next school fees become tools in the hands of those who have succeeded in making their life's miserable in the first place? Why Pray? Why should we believe there is a God? Why have Religion become so useful a tool for the hypnotism of the mentality of our people? Men and Women in this country pray Morning, Afternoon and Night for what really?....To Suffer? For Leadership to Steal,Corrupt and plunder our collective resources selfishly? We Pray to be Mumus. To be used, to be controlled, to be manipulated, to be ignored, to be letdown by Political and Spiritual Leaders....We the people have become Zombies and our senses have been fed to the pigs. We need to begin to ask question that are relevant and more meaningful for our collective good....There is no other way to explain the events in this country; there is no other way to begin to comprehend the stupidity of the citizenry of Nigeria than to say that we have all FAILED this country.
Millions of Suffering Nigerians are defending Corruption; Because Corruption attends the same Church with us; Because Corruption is my Brother; Because Corruption is Tribally related to me; Because I have the same ethnicity as Corruption; Because I love Corruption, Embezzlement, Impunity, Stealing, Immorality and Darkness....Because we as a people love Insecurity, Suffering, Hunger, Poverty, underdevelopment and deception ....Nigeria's Biggest problem today is WE THE PEOPLE who have become so LOST that anything becomes acceptable; Even from those that have been responsible for our precarious situation....The people of this country have failed and no matter the good intention of PMB; We the people might succeed in killing his Vision and Dreams if we continue to follow the path that is set by those whose selfish interest of the past has landed us where we are today. Whose greed of today will strangulate our immediate survival and then jeopardize the future of our children and our nation. If as a Nigerian you support the evil that has been perpetuated against the Nigerian State since independence and particularly over the past 16/6years of PDP/GEJ's rule....I have nothing but pity for you. But be rest assured that LIFE is a pendulum and that by your actions the raping of 170 million people was made possible by a few who are Heartless; Wicked; Destructive; Deceptive and Demonic....You cannot tell a man who is drowning to drink more water; But in Nigeria, the Corrupt Politicians and Clergymen of Satan have succeeded in drowning us the people and stuffing us with more water when what we need is a way to swim out...If we the people cannot get together and fight this Criminal Class that are determined to destroy us....We the people will suffering now and for generations to come.
I am dedicated to serving this country, Nigeria...I am determined to do my best to support the President in this fight for the heart and soul of Nigeria....I am willing to offer my all to ensure that those who have ravaged the Nigerian System are not just exposed, but if necessary dealt with completely.....I am a fighter and a believer in the greater Nigerian Project. We all must dedicate ourselves collectively to the struggle of freeing this country from the claws of Corruption, Looting, Embezzlement, Impunity, Immorality and the Criminality of the Nigeria Political Class as well as the Religious Hypnotizers. "Nothing is worth dying for; if it is not for the love of your country" are the words of the legendary Pan African Nationalist, Amilcar Cabral. let those words remind us all of our duty to this country .....Because at the end of the day, We will all lift this country together or Suffer collectively.Just remember, that those who are using us and destroying this country are just 1% of our capacity and our capability.....If we are ONE; we will overcome these evil of Corruption and the Demons among us who will do anything to ensure that we are forever slaves to our weaknesses....You Must Support PMB with Your All....But Weep For Your Country.

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