Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Miracles, Pastor-Preneurs & Corruption: An Unholy Alliance

Let me quote or paraphrase Apostle Paul (James 2:14-26)...."Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect....You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only....For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also".
Why has Miracles, Testimonies, Wealth and Prosperity become the reason we all seek God today, particularly among the Christian faith? Because we as a people are mentally Corrupt and are led by Spiritual Leaders who have been financially compromised and Spiritually lukewarm. Any Man of God who preaches Miracles, Prosperity and Wealth is corrupting the Gospel of God and corrupting the society. How have we reduced God to the provider of CARS, HOUSES, MONEY and MATERIALISM? How have we commonized God to the point were Stealing from the congregation in the name of SOWING SEED becomes the pathway to blessing? How have we as a People allowed Pastors and Politicians combine to Loot Nigerians in Churches through Tithes, Offerings, Donations and Sowing Seeds as well as in governance through Embezzlement, Impunity, Corruption, Stealing, Looting and Criminality? HOW? We have become a zombie society; Poverty, Unemployment, Darkness, Insecurity, and many of the Societal problems created by the Unholy Alliance including, but not limited to Politicians, Spiritual Leaders, Evil Conglomerates, Deceitful Businesses etc have rendered our mentally useless and our personality weakened. In the words of the father of Marxism; Karl Mark "Religion is the opium of the masses", Religion has hypnotized majority of our population and we have all become Zombies in the name of Religion...Let me repeat that the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese are Neither Christians or Muslims ....Corruption in governance or in the Society is punishable by Death in those societies; Looting is not tolerated; Governance is all about service to humanity not for personal and family embezzlement and gains....Nigeria with the Highest number of BORN AGAIN CHRISTIANS cannot clearly show what Religion or Christianity has done to our Country, States, Local Governments, Societies and Communities.
GOs, Daddies, Men of God, Spiritual Leaders particularly of the Christian faith are Building Auditorium worth Billions of Naira not industries; majority of Schools and Universities built by these Spiritual Vultures cannot be attended by church members; you mistakenly ask for help in the churches and you are reminded that the money is 'God's Money'; Men of God are getting import Waivers running into Billions of Naira; Men of God have become Contractors; Men of God are Abandoning Contracts after collecting Mobilization; Men of God are chasing Governors and Politicians for jobs.....Men of God are living a life of deceit, criminality, corruption and impunity and we the people are praying for Miracles. The Miracles of these Men of God is the Miracle of Magic, Corruption, Embezzlement, Impunity, Looting and Stealing...Now we all know what God we are serving...Definitely not the God of Christ Jesus. Mathew 6:33..."But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"....Now we seek first the kingdom of the Flesh, The Kingdom of Money, The Kingdom of Miracles, The kingdom of Self and hope the Kingdom of God will be added...That is what I call 'SPIRITUAL SOMERSAULT. While the unholy Alliance between Miracles, Pastor-Prenuers and Corruption exist; I will be anti-Religion and I am proud of that decision. I believe in Christ Jesus; Not the one in the Nigerian Churches; but the one that is know to be present in the better nature of Mankind. On this given Sunday, I am confident that Christ is present in every man who is determined to fight for the betterment of the society; Christian or No Christian... An Example is My President (PMB)...A better Christian than majority of our Men of God. He has Integrity, Honesty, People Driven Agenda; Incorruptible; hardworking; uncompromising and a disciplinarian...What else is required to be CHRISTLIKE?

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