Saturday, November 07, 2015

Improving The Nigerian Educational System: The Dual Language Option

Inspired by Juliette Tedheke and Kay Lord
Education is the most important tool in societal regeneration particularly in a country like Nigeria struggling to recreate a sustainable system of development and growth. Questions must be asked on why we continue to fail with the many fantastic educational policies of the past. One cannot say I know it all and one cannot also say that we have done enough in the area of properly educating our people and getting the best from our education system that is capable of sustaining growth.
I am asking that those who are interested in the re-engineering of the education system should think as a matter of urgency the idea and concept of the dual language option in the education of our people from Pre-Primary all the way to the Secondary Schools. let me illustrate this clearly; in Texas for example and particularly in latino dominated communities; every student has the option of writing exams in English or Spanish; That doesn't diminish the capacityof the student it actual creates a learning process that accommodates all participants by eliminating the barrier of language. You can therefore become anything without the language being a problem. Nigeria has three key languages; Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo and our Lingual Franca as English which has not really help in proper education especially at the lower levels and rural areas. I am asking that these languages be introduced regionally and used to teach were the need arises. I am also saying that examinations must be conducted with these languages. Simply put; Nigeria therefore needs to be divided into three Language regions. The North, West and East; In the West the choice will be between Yoruba and English; In the East it will be between Ibo and English and in the North it will be between English and Hausa.
Ghana, Kenya are some other countries in Africa are beginning to adopt this approach. We should learn from countries like India, China, and so many of the developing and developed world where their local languages are an integral part of the national curriculum. I am absolutely certain that this will improve our rate of integration and educational success in both the Primary and Secondary school structure....JUST THINKING!!!

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